Friday, September 17, 2010

The Original Tommy's Hamburgers

The Original Tommy’s Hamburgers
Doug and I went to the Original Tommy’s Hamburgers for lunch last Thursday. It was one of those days when everything was almost correct. It started out on the cool and overcast side when I left home and turned warm and sunny by the time I had left school.

I had a Mega Combo for lunch. This is an excessively large and highly overindulgent eating on my part. The entire meal could provide enough calories for me to last for two or three days. The meal is built around a triple decked chili cheeseburger with lots of onions and pickles and tomatos slices, an order of chili cheese fries, and a very large drink. You need a large drink with all of that chili.

Fortunately, for me, I only do this once or twice a year.

We had lunch after I picked up my books for the new term.

Doug was going to have a Number 2 Combination, which is his normal order. He changed his mind and got a Mega Combo as well. While I don’t think he will say that he truly enjoyed the meal, he did manage to eat all of the serving.

My teaching schedule has been a fluid one. I started out with four classes and then lost two of them. I picked up two more classes so I was back to my original number.

Then, I got a call last week to teach a fifth class. The class was in the Construction Management – Business program. It would have been a new for me class but one I felt comfortable to teach. Last Friday, the class was given to another instructor. So, I was back to four classes.

I had my two student seminar class last night. I can’t really stand up in front of two students and lecture. I felt that an informal seminar approach would work best. My students agreed with me.

While I was at break, the Associate Dean and a department chair asked me if I wanted to teach a fifth class that would be on Wednesday. The new class opportunity came about because of a schedule problem elsewhere in the school. I said that I would like to teach the course as it was one that I had taught before.

That was nice for me.

I was still waiting for my two students to return from their breaks when another chair asked me if I was interested in teaching the Construction Management course. I told him that I had committed to teaching another course.

It is now 3:00 PM and classes start at 6:00 PM. No one has called me from the school to confirm whether I am teaching a class tonight or not. I found out at 3:15 that I was teaching a class. I had to call the school to find out. So much for follow up.

The MINI and me
I found some more features of the MINI that I really like.

Alex the Saleswoman connected or activated the Bluetooth function on my cell phone so that I can send and receive a call on my cell phone without having to use my hands. I haven’t tried the send function yet because I would need to be wearing glasses. I don’t drive with my regular glasses on.

I have taken a call in the MINI while I was driving. The sound was good and the Bluetooth functioned as I expected it would.

Unfortunately, for the caller, I was driving on the freeway with the top down. It was very noisy so I suggested the caller try again when I knew I would be driving more slowly. At slow speed with the top down, the phone call seemed close to normal.

The openometer gauge only records up to seven hours of top down driving before it resets itself. I have been able to track my time so far. I do believe that I will forget some time somewhere. I discovered the MINI would display a cumulative top down driving total.


It turns out that I am only off about an hour from my manual calculations and the cumulative display. I think this is because the car was a demonstrator, for about fifty miles, and some of those miles could have been with the top down.

Be well and stay happy.


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