Sunday, July 08, 2007

Weekend Update - July 8th

Weekend Update
The trouble with weekends is they tend to end all too soon.

Have you ever noticed how this always happens; almost every weekend without fail? It seems to happen to me all of the time. This weekend was no exception. I didn’t get anywhere near what I wanted to accomplish completed.

I did come down with a nasty Summer sinus cold. That made me more lethargic than normal. I took some Tylenol Sinus medicine last night. I slept like a rock and probably did not move at all. This was good for me and bad for me. I felt better this morning for the most part except for my stiff neck and shoulder.

I was watching the television news on Saturday. I was amazed at how many people were getting married on July 7th. Personally, I don’t think one day or another makes much difference in the likelihood of a marriage succeeding.

My only advice is have a good pre-nuptial agreement and good luck.

Of course, if I was getting married and this assumes that I have a girl friend, I would probably think about August 8, 2008 as an excellent day for a marriage. The number “8” is considered lucky in many Asian countries including China.

For the record and in the interest of full and fair reporting and disclosure, I do not currently have a girl friend or a friend who is a girl.

It is hot in Southern California for those of you who do not live here. It has been 100 to 103F or 37 to39C in some of our inland areas and around 84 F or 29C at the beach. It is not difficult to recognize the fact that it is hot outside. Southern California is on the edge of a desert and it is hot in the desert. It is always hot in the Summer here.

So you can imagine my amazement and wonder when I happened to see the local new readers talking about the fact that “they were on heat watch.”

Does that mean they go outside and stand in the sun?

The weather news reader was practically peeing in his pants with excitement. Heat and rain are the only big weather stories in Southern California. Then, the weather news reader gave the audience some key information to deal with the heat. “Drink plenty of cold liquids; avoid the mid-day sun; stay cool and consider going to the movies or an enclosed air conditioned mall.”

Now, why didn’t I think of that first?

Then, the station showed the traditional news clips of seniors playing bingo inside, kids in a pool, a news reporter standing in from of a large size thermometer, and construction workers outside in the sun, working.

The news is really getting dumbed down.

I have continued my Heinekens Premium Light Beer survey. So far, it seems that this is a very good light beer. I feel comfortable drinking it and serving it. This looks like I will make it my light beer of choice from now on.

The visitor count was off this week.

I guess this either Summer vacations or lack of interest in what I have to say in the blog or lack of interest in my selections for Woman of the Moment. This happens.

We had visitors from Canada [5], Finland, Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, Korea, Germany, and Texas.

We had one visitor who stuck around the blog for thirty two minutes. That was either good writing, good Woman of the Moment, or slow reading.

Movie Posters and Doug
The movie poster came on Friday morning but I had to wait until Friday evening to pick them up at the post office. I left them in the box. I figured Doug could open the box since they were his graduation gift.

I drove out to Doug’s on Saturday to deliver the posters and firm up the plans for the framing.

Doug really liked all of the posters. I don’t think that he like one more than the others. He decided on the frame color and whether or not he wanted the poster matted. I said I would take the posters to a local framer and have them framed.

Then, we went to lunch.

Lunch was at the Original Tommy’s Hamburgers in Westminster. We had not been to Tommy’s in a while so it was appropriate that we went there for lunch. I was going to have a No. 1 Combination which is a double chili cheeseburger, fries, and a medium drink.

When I got there, I decided to have a Mega Combo meal like Doug. A Mega Combo is three beef patties, three slices of cheese, sliced tomato, sliced pickles, chopped onions, and a full ladle of chili. Then, you add in a serving of chili cheese fries and a large drink.

Excellent and you have no need for a dinner later.

I suggested that the Mega Combo meal would be perfect with a Heinekens Premium Light Beer. Doug thought it would be as well. He said that he tried and liked them also.

Vivian’s Man of the Moment
I had thought about posting one of Vivian’s Men of the Moment on Thursday. But, that was a large blog. I also decided that if I posted one of her Men of the Moment every other week, I would have enough men to go around for a couple of months. This made a lot of sense to me.

Those of you who are regular readers will know that Vivian is a busy young woman; working to finance film productions, going to premieres and parties, and going to the Cannes Film Festival. It takes time find suitable men that meet her standards of quality. By spreading the handful that I have right now out, I can make them last until we have lunch in September.

Conservation is a good cause.

Woman of the Moment
The new Woman of the Moment is Faline Song who is Taiwanese and who now lives in Southern California. She is from the Speed Options magazine model of the month feature. Most of the images are from either Speed Options or her own web site.

According to her web site, Faline is untall. She stands 60 inches or 152 centimeters. She measures 34B – 25 – 35 inches or 86 – 64 – 89 centimeters. I would assume these are accurate numbers.

Faline says she is a nursing student.

Ummmm; maybe I should get sick.

Sharon Tay

Sharon Tay was filling in on the local news show for one of the regular news readers on Saturday. This was something to get interested in and made me want to stick around.

Unfortunately, things did not work out as I would have hoped for.

We had a brush fire break out in a sparsely settled area of Los Angeles. It became the sole focus of the half hour news show. We had fifteen minutes of television helicopter live transmissions of burning brush with the same repetitive statements from the helicopter crew.

The fire had been burning for over three hours and the station had no ground reporter on scene to tell us the details of the fire.

This all meant that there was very little Sharon time on camera, clearly an adverse outcome from my point of view.

I stayed up to catch the 11:00 PM news broadcast to see if the station had more Sharon camera time because I could sleep in on Sunday morning. With the fire under control and helicopters unable to fly in the area, the news coverage of the fire was much less. The station had managed to find two ground reporters to report from the fire. One of the reporters looked foolish wearing a yellow fire fighter like jacket for no apparent reason.

This time, there was much more Sharon camera time.

It was a much, much better news broadcast.

I hope you had a great weekend.

Be well and stay happy.


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