Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July
Today, we, as a nation, celebrate the 231st anniversary of out Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. It is a day that we all should observe in the manner that best suits us.

Personally, I am taking a reflective attitude. Maybe it is because I served as an officer in our Navy on active duty and then some time with the Marine Corps Reserve. Being in the military helps focus on the idea that freedom is never free and that many have died to protect and defend our freedoms that we probably, all too often, take for granted.

Your freedom was paid for, in part, by a veteran. If you enjoy your freedom, be sure to thank a veteran.

Here is my thought for the day.

If the United States of America is such a bad place, as some foreigners would have you believe, why do we have some many immigrants trying to get in the country illegally?

Inquiring minds want to know.

I will end the day with a short walk to the beach from my flat to watch the fireworks display that is sponsored by the city government. It is not a fancy display; just shooting rockets into the air. I like that. It works for me and a lot of other people as well.

Wednesday Make Up
I am going to include the Wednesday Make Up feature images because doing so seems like the right thing to do. I was reading in the BBC World News headline report this morning that Japan has a new Minister of Defense, Yuriko Koike, the first female to hold the position.

Do you suppose she is any relation to Eiko Koike?

Probably not.

Dickens was right when he wrote about the best of times and the worst of times. That was how I felt at school yesterday.

Two of my best students in my Tuesday night Introduction to Project Management dropped out of school. Last week, they were in class and participating and this week they were gone from my role sheet.

That was the worst of times.

One of my former students asked me for some help with one of his current classes. He is a technology person and has to write an economics paper for his Macroeconomics course. I gave him a topic idea or suggestion to write about the impact of a declining birthrate on a national economy. He thought that was a good and workable idea. I thought he would. I also told him that I would send him some material to read over on the subject.

That was the best of times.

This week has been difficult with the holiday falling in the middle of the week. Students are not coming to the classes. I can take some comfort in the fact that my classes’ low attendance was not unusual nor was I alone in having small classes.

Woman of the Moment
You will probably notice that there has been a modest change with Jessica Vincent’s images. I believe these images were all 2007 photos. I was as surprised as you were about the change I downloaded the photos from Speed Options.

Be well and stay happy.


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