Monday, July 30, 2007

Looking for More Women of the Moment

Looking for More Women of the Moment
I had some spare time yesterday and went looking for some more Women of the Moment. I ended up finding a couple more Korean actresses and an actress from Singapore. I know Speed Options will have a new model to consider on Wednesday.

The Korean actresses are Kang Jung Hwa, 26, and Yoon Hae Young, 34, from a weekday serial, High as the Sky, Wide as the Earth that I have been watching since Pure in Heart ended earlier this year. The Singaporean actress is Fann Wong. I happened to stumble across her in my Google Images search. I need to do more research about where or not to include her as a potential Woman of the Moment.

Odds and Ends
I was watching my Korean historical epic drama last night. It is one of the ways that I use to end the weekend. The drama is slowly moving towards its conclusion; it is around Episode 60 or so and that means it will end sometime around the end of the year or early January.

This is all beside the point actually.

An American company ran an advertisement for a tax preparation service. That struck me as being rather odd. Most people do not think about having their taxes prepared in July so why advertise now? The viewers will likely forget by next year anyway.

The other thing that was odd about the advertisement was that it was in English with no Korean subtitles. It seemed like it was missing its target market by a wide margin.

In the next commercial break, the show had a local advertisement for a performance by a Korean opera singer. The ad carried her voice and music in the background, nice work. But, the voice and music carried over into the other commercials that were shown during the same break. It was difficult to hear the voice-overs from the other advertisements.

I wonder who will pay for that error.

Doug called me this morning. He just received his Bluetooth ear piece to go with the new iPhone. He needed to check it out.

I said he sounded fine.

Doug said that was because he was using an Apple device.

Doug also said that he was going to crash at my flat on Wednesday because he was going to see a special David Lynch screening at UCLA. He said he was on some guest list and thought he wouldn’t be at my place until the time I get home from school on Wednesday night.

My Friend Amy
My friend Amy called this morning.

Getting a call from Amy always makes my day so much better. We haven’t talked since Doug and I went to dinner at Fleming’s in Newport Beach when she was our server. Amy wanted to know how I was and what I was doing.

Well and working mostly.

Unfortunately and regrettably, the call ended all too soon for me.

Someone came into her store and she had a potential sale to close. I could talk to Amy at night but that is usually after 9:00 PM when he head off to bed because I get up much earlier than she does in the morning.

El Gringo
I went to El Gringo on Sunday afternoon for my usual late lunch – early dinner. I had expected to see Jess the Server there. Jess was not working; her fill-in from last week was there.

The fill-in must have remembered me. She made an error in the bill; she undercharged me and chose not to change it after I pointed the error out to her. I have been going there long enough to know how much a particular meal will cost.

That was nice of her. The extra money that I didn’t pay for my meal went into her tip.

I wonder if she will be there next Sunday.

Woman of the Moment
I decided to have Xu Jinglei as the Woman of the Moment. Jinglei, 33, is a Chinese actress from Beijing whose blog was the first to reach over 100 million. That is a slick claim to fame. She has also appeared in 15 films and directed three films.

I was only able to find a limited number of images so Jinglei will not be a Woman of the Moment for very long.

Be well and stay happy.


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