Monday, July 16, 2007

Software Upgrade Part II

Software Upgrade Part II
The one bad thing about a software upgrade is you have to retain your sold software in case you have to do a complete reinstallation of the program on the hard drive. I now have to keep all of my old software from Office XP and the original key code just in case. I don’t think it would be too terribly difficult if Microsoft had come with an intelligent product design.

Microsoft used to ship its big programs in a nice, readily recyclable cardboard box and the program would come in a CD case that would fit very well into a storage rack.

Perfect solution.

The new Office 2007 comes in a plastic box that looks like it is the size of a small book. Naturally, it doesn’t fit with any of my other storage devices. I have a couple of program Publisher 2003 and Project 2003 that came in a DVD like box. That was not much of an improvement. So now I have three different types of program holds from Microsoft.

I suppose there are a dozen or more valid reasons, according to Microsoft, for this program storage. I just haven’t figured any of them out yet. Maybe I will someday but I am not holding my breath until I do.

Doug told me, “Dad, go get an Apple computer. It will solve your troubles. Then, get an iPhone and an iPod.”

Another problem with doing an upgrade and then having to undo part of it is the dictionary will lose all of the words you entered into it. I hate it when I have to reenter words.

I went for my weekly adventure at the market under construction this morning.

It is a challenge for anyone. Some of the aisles are only barely wide enough for one shopping cart to enter.

Then, some women treat shopping like it is an exercise in how much time you can taker to complete the task. I was stuck behind one woman who seemed unable to make a decision over what should have been a very simple task, picking out paper towels. She took forever to make up her mind

What is so difficult to pick out a roll of paper towels?

I have no idea. Do you?

The woman got upset that I walked around her when we reached the end of the aisle. Hey, I had things to do, like lesson plans, and places to go, like back home to the flat. I did not have time to wait for her while she slowly, ever so slowly, waddled up and down the market aisles.

Woman of the Moment
I think I have another of the Faline Song theme images today. I will admit that I am quickly running out of theme images and will soon have to resort to unrelated bikini images, not that anyone will object too much.

Be well and stay happy.


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