Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Quarter Break - Part II

Quarter Break – Part II
I got a phone call from my friend Amy yesterday. That was very nice.

Amy was home from work, suffering from having four wisdom teeth removed on Saturday. Ouch, that is not the best way to spend a three day long weekend. I ended up doing most of the talking because Amy was not up to much in the way of conversation. This was one of those times when my four years in law school has paid off for me. I was able to structure my questions so that she could answer with a yes or a no.

Our local weather has improved. Temperatures are back to normal now and people are able to sleep comfortably. The heat was over 100F – 37C for nine days in some parts of Los Angeles. The local mid-day news readers reported that the authorities are blaming the heat for up to sixteen deaths, primarily the elderly.

This weekend should be cool and humid. I expect that the remnants of Hurricanes Henrietta and Felix will dump some moisture into our local area. I just hope it does not rain while I am out having the Prelude washed.

Woman of the Moment
Speed Options apparently finished their server upgrade on the 4th. Their web site was back up and running yesterday. I was able to download the next Woman of the Moment’s images. Actually, I found the model on Speed Options and the photos all came from her web site which offered a significantly larger collection to select from for me.

I like to download at least 30 to 32 images because that will give me about two weeks worth of Woman of the Moment. Some of the Women have had enough images on their web sites to let me download up to 50 or more images. Naturally, I like to download images where the model is in one of her bikinis.

Choice is good and more choices are better.

You can expect to see a new Woman of the Moment sometime next week.

I also thought about having Erica Cerra be a Woman of the Moment.

Erica plays the part of Deputy Sheriff Jo Lupo on the Sci-Fi Channel program, Eureka.

Unfortunately and as is the case with most Hollywood actresses, there are no photos readily available of her in what I would call Woman of the Moment appropriate attire.

Tonight’s Woman of the Moment is Korean actress Han Hyo Joo from High as the Sky, Wide as the Earth.

Life goes on for me.

Foreign Language Television
I think most of the semi-regular readers of the blog know that I enjoy watching Korean and Japanese programs so long as they have English subtitles. One reason I enjoy them is that I can not understand the commercials so they do not annoy me. I also like the historical drama because they can fill in some gaps in my education. When I was in school, Asian cultures were not very significant subject matters.

Doug was out at my place last week when he introduced me to a Spanish language program that he described as being a Spanish version of Jerry Springer but without any subtitles.

José Luis sin censura is broadcast on KCRA Channel 62 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Obviously; KCRA is not a major or even minor network broadcast channel.

I have only watched two programs. So far, it seems to feature fighting between married women and their husband’s mistress. The live audience is very largely male. This is not surprising. The fights seem real with punches being thrown, hair being pulled, tops being torn, and women falling down on each other and rolling around on the stage floor.

Doug said that sometimes people from the audience go up on stage and get into fights. I have not seen any of this yet.

The first program featured a fight between really chubby wife and a smaller and much better looking slender mistress. They two women were not equal in size so the fight ended being between the wife and a larger single woman who was a good friend of the mistress.

After the fight was over, the mistress and her girl friend were kissing each other rather passionately since it was later shown that they were lovers of some sort. The two women were dumped with a large bucket of water. Then, they stopped kissing and pulled their tongues out of each other’s mouths.

Last night’s show featured a man who had four ladies who thought he was going to marry them.

Three of the younger women fought with each other for a period of time. In the end, they all beat up the man that they thought was going to marry them.

Fascinating and to think some people say that television is a medium in decline. Great programming will always attract an audience in my mind.

Be well and stay happy.


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