Thursday, September 06, 2007

Quarter Break - Part III & Weekend Preview September 6th

Quarter Break – Part III & Weekend Update
I went to my credit union yesterday to see about a messed up check order. The error was a credit union error so the credit union bought me a new set of checks for free. That was nice for a change.

The teller who handled my trouble thought I had lost some more weight and that I looked very handsome.

Compliments like that are always welcome.

I need to finish up on my cleaning work and do some laundry. I also need to go to the cleaners and pick up my dress shirts. We go back to wearing suits at school on Monday; at least the weather has cooled off for next week.

If I get lucky and complete a lot of things, I may try to see a movie at the local multi-plex cinema.

I ordered some Star Wars and Dune books from Barnes & Nobel today. I needed some books to read on the plane while I am going to the Princess’ wedding in Atlanta. I know the airline will show a film on the plane but it will be a PG or PG-13 rated film and that just does not appeal to me very much.

Doug called to say that he may be stopping by my flat next week. He had some interviews up in my part of town.

I went to school today to pick up one textbook for my Monday night class. There are actually two very small textbooks so that is nice for me. The Monday night class does not look like a very difficult one for me to teach. This will be the first time I have taught this class.

I stopped by and spoke with the Associate Dean about how many students would be in my classes. I knew that my Wednesday morning class was going to be small and I was guessing that I would have six students in the class. This will be my fourth class with this group of students.

This means I can cut the traditional class introductions on Wednesday.

I have only seven in my Thursday morning Principles of Marketing class. I don’t think that I have had any of these students before in my classes.

My Monday night class is loaded with thirty two students.

So much for giving my students a lot of personal attention on Monday night.

The attendance levels are still tentative and will remain that way until the class actually starts. Since the classes tend to be stable once you get beyond the first year, I am not expecting too much of any changes.

Woman of the Moment
Tonight’s Woman of the Moment is Yoon Hae Young, the oldest of the three Korean actresses. This is the last images of Hae Young. Sunday, I will close out this set with Han Hyo Joo.

Sharon Tay
I cruised by Sharon Tay’s web site this afternoon.

It is still under construction and has been so since April or May when I stumbled on to it. I know Sharon had a pile of great photos of herself on the old web site that was running when she was working for CNBC in New York City and even after the network cancelled her show.

As I think about Sharon, I haven’t seen her doing a free lance news report on the local news programs in a week or two. Maybe she went on a holiday.

Be well and stay happy.


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