Sunday, December 02, 2007

Weekend Update - December 2nd

Weekend Update
I got almost all of my Christmas cards addressed, stuffed, sealed, and stamps affixed. I think I am missing four or five addresses. I have mailed my foreign Christmas cards already since they take longer to get there. I ought to be able to mail them by the end of the week.

I also did some Christmas shopping on Saturday. I got most of the mall shopping out of the way. This is the earliest that I have done any Christmas shopping in a long time.

I watched the Army – Navy football game on Saturday. I did not attend either service academy but since I served in the Navy, they are my team. Navy won for the sixth consecutive time; a feat that has never been done before in 110 years of football competition.

One of the benefits of Friday’s rain was the Pathfinder was relatively clean and free of dust and dirt. It looked much better on Saturday when I went out.

We had a drop off in total visitors for the month of November to 412 visitors. I think this is to be expected since I suspended or halted the Woman of the Moment and the Weekend Bonus Feature Woman just before the start of the month.

We had visitors from France [2], Singapore [3], Canada [4], Ireland, Japan [3], Korea [3], Portugal, United Kingdom [3], Spain [2], Turkey, Netherlands, Viet Nam, Hungary, Texas, and Libya.

This was the first visit from a reader from Libya.

There were two visitors had stayed at the blog for a while. One stayed for twelve minutes and the other stayed for fifteen minutes.

I do appreciate all of you who stopped by to view the blog.

Miss World
The Miss World contest was held this weekend on the island of Hainan which part of China. This is not very exciting in and of itself.

What is sort of exciting is that Miss China, Zhang Zilin, won the title of Miss World. This represents a remarkable turnabout for the Chinese government that had traditional held that contests, like Miss World, were decadent and too Western.

The other fascinating aspect of the contest was that Miss China was the tallest contestant. I don’t think of Chinese women as being all that tall. I guess I will have to change my thinking now.

Time Warner Cable
My Time Warner Cable service crapped out on Friday night.

I still have something of a cable television service and will until the cable service shows up at my flat on Monday morning. I have to suffer through broken images, distorted speech, neon green lines across my monitor, and irregularly timed image blackouts.

This certainly ruins my weekend sports viewing.

On the plus side, I will be in bed earlier on Saturday and Sunday. That is good for me.

As things turned out, the problem with my cable cleared up on Sunday morning after a very nice ten hour sleep. My first clue that the problem had cleared itself was when I saw Jillian Barberie on the Fox NFL Pregame Show in a leopard print dress that looked like it was spray painted on.

Wedding Photos
I am making good progress on creating a CD of wedding photos. I started out with 881 images. I have cut that amount down to a manageable 404 images. I still need to cut some more images so I can fit them all on one CD. I am now using 835 MB of file space and I need to cut that down to something around 765 MB. If most photos are around the 2 MB size, I figure that I need to cut around 35 to 40 images. I ought to be able to do that on Sunday since I won’t be watching too much television.

The cable was working so I spent most of my time not working on the photos.

That was my weekend. I hope you had a good weekend also.

Be well and stay happy.


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