Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Recovery - Part 5

The Recovery - Part 5
I will be the first to admit that I was rally apprehensive about undergoing chemotherapy. I had heard horror stories about severe and adverse reactions to the medication regime. I knew that some patients had lost their hair or their appetite or their energy.

So far, I am very pleased with the medication outcome. I hadn’t noticed any adverse affects of the Xeloda. My appetite is back to normal or at least very close to normal. I wonder how the other two medicines will affect me. I should start them in the medication cycle in early December.

I have lost a lot of weight this year. I have lost somewhere between 30 and 40 pounds / 14 and 18 kilograms. Some of the loss was obviously planned by me when I was eating less and fewer sweets and empty calories. And, another large part is due to the surgery and recovery.

One bright thing going forward is that my doctor won’t be asking or telling me to lose weight when I see him for my annual physical exam next year.

I decided to give up smoking cigars now. My doctor and my dentist won’t be able to urge me to stop smoking when I see them.

I used to be obese. Now, my weight has dropped into the desired Body Mass Index [BMI] range for my height.

I wonder what my doctor will talk to me about when I see him.

One obvious result of the weight loss is that all of my clothes fit loosely now. It is strange to have to use a belt to keep my pants up at waist. This all leads me to wonder what to do with my dress suits. They were all made to measure by my Hong Kong tailor Andy Sippy. I could have the suits altered to fit me better but what happens if I gain some of the weight back.

Probably, the better alternative is to wait until after I finish the chemotherapy cycle.

I am going to have to watch my eating so that I do not quickly balloon back up to what I used to weigh. With my appetite coming back, I have to be careful so that I do not lose all of the weight loss gains in a matter of a few days. I am eating well at all of my meals. I am planning to cut back on my noon meal. I will switch from a sandwich and soup to something with fewer calories like an energy drink such as Ensure Plus or an energy bar like a Balance Gold Protein bar.

All in all, I think it has been a good week for me and my recovery.

Be well and stay happy.


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