Friday, June 05, 2009

Quarter Break - Part III

Quarter Break – Part III
For that few, that happy few, that band of blog readers I considered the After Thoughts posting to be Quarter Break – Part II.

I hate to have done such damage to Shakespeare’s classic lines from Henry V, Act IV, Scene II’s “band of brothers” speech by Henry. But, somehow, the phrasing seemed to fit in with my mood this afternoon.

My Quarter Break is almost over and the weather has been on the crummy side for the most part. It has been cloudy and cool and we even have had some rain to an extent. This is not what one would expect from Southern California at this time of the year. I had planned to take some walks along the beach during the break but the weather deterred me.

We had rain overnight and early this morning that I managed to sleep through. I know it rained because the cement in the building courtyard was wet when I went out this morning. There is a forecast for more scattered rain showers tomorrow.

Right now, the sun is playing hide and seek among the clouds.

We had a good week for visitors to the blog. There were 738 visitors who stopped by and viewed 1,001 unique pages in the blog. I do appreciate all of you who stopped by the blog. I happened to take a look at the visitors to the blog this morning. We had a first time visitor from Malta to the blog yesterday.

I had a flyer sticking in my door yesterday when I went to pick up the mail. One of my neighbors is selling her flat. It is on my floor and is almost identical in size to my flat. Her flat faces the busy road in front of the building that is a favorite road for emergency vehicles, ambulances and fire engines mostly. She has an ocean peak view from her balcony; ocean peak means if you stand on your toes and it is a clear day, you can see a small patch of the ocean. She is asking USD$389,000 for her flat.

That makes me feel very good. She has made some cosmetic improvements like new flooring and a new range and paint. This leads me to believe that my flat, messy as it is, is probably worth about USD$350,000 or so since I do not face the busy street.

I went to see the new Pixar 3D animation film UP yesterday. I have always enjoyed the Pixar films and this edition was just as satisfying as WALL-E.

I did enjoy the 3D version of the film. I had my misgivings about wearing the special 3D lens since I wear glasses. Doug and Megan saw the film last weekend and thought it was just great. Doug said that he thought I could view the film without my regular reading glasses. He was correct.

I would definitely recommend the film; it works for all age groups.

I would strongly recommend that you bring some lens cleaner with you since the 3D glasses get handled and tend to be on the well finger printed side. Cleaning the lenses will vastly improve your viewing experience.

Tomorrow night, I am going to see Ring of Fire. Hopefully, the weather will have improved enough so the rain will have moved on out of Southern California before I leave for the play. It is a musical play based on the life of Johnny Cash so I am expecting there will be a fair amount of his music.

Be well and stay happy.


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