Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Missed You Last Night

Hola blogistas.

I really was going to post last night but my life interferred. My life got a red card for being too complicated.

In truth, I did not get home from a meeting in San Diego until almost 8:00 PM. It took just over 3 and 1/2 hours to cover about 112 miles or 180 kilometers. Anyway you calculate my speed over the ground, I was not going very fast. Then, I had dinner and cleaned up afterwards. By now, it was well after 8:30 and bed looked really good to me.

On a side note, my meeting went well for me.

My drive to the meeting was exciting. One of our famous Southern California high speed freeway chases went right past me. I was driving along, minding my own business and talking on the cellphone with the Big Guy about DVD releases for Tuesday and a suggestion to pick up Sideways. I had planned to buy it already.

Then, chaos broke loose. The crazy driver went past me in the next lane over and all I could see in my rear view mirror was a horde of black and white CHP cars with their lights flashing and sirens wailing in pursuit.

It looked like a cavarly charge scene from a John Ford Western film starring John Wayne.

For a moment, I did not know what to do since this eventuality was never part of my drive training. We didn't have high speed freeway chases when I learned to drive. I couldn't move out of the way to the right since there was traffic there. Moving to the left and into the path of the crazy driver was out of the question. Slowing down did not strike me as being a good decision so I merely kept up my speed until the chase roared away.

On the plus side, I knew I could drive well over the speed limit since all of the Highway Patrol officers on duty in this part of the State were involved with the chase. So I was cruising along at 70 to 75 miles an hour for the next thirty miles. That was sweet.

I asked the Big Guy what to do in this situation. He didn't know beacuse it was not covered when he took driver's training.

This does give me the opportunity to strike up a conversation with the Hot Police Chick who lives in my building. You know, something like this, "Ummmm, what do you do when a high speed pursuit overtakes you on the freeway?"

The Girl Friend and I are going to the theater on Saturday. I found out what the play is about. When you have season tickets, you sort of lose interest in the play schedule. The play is called Doubt. The main character is a nun who teaches eight grade in a parochial middle school and has to confront her fears that one of the priests at the school in molesting a student or students. This is not a happy topic for sure. The play is a new one and it just won a Pultizer Prize this year. I have no idea what the category was.

Oh yeah, the Girl Friend is taking me out to dinner and I get to pick a place to dine since I know the area where the theater is located.

The last two mornings my drive into the office have been epic. The total time was only 40 minutes and that is borderline unreal.

The drive home has crummy but it was warm enough for me to pop open the sun roof and drive with the wind in my hair. This is why I live at the beach in Southern California.

I need to go pay some bills and other less than fun expenses now.

Be well and stay happy.


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