Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Spring Break Update

It's still Spring Break for me in Southern California.

Well bloggers and gentle readers, this is my first Spring Break Update. So far, Spring Break has been very good for me.

I haven't shaved since Saturday when I was out with the Girl Friend. I will shave tomorrow because I am getting on the nasty side plus I am going out to lunch with a former co-worker from my current employer. Since we will be eating at the beach somewhere, I can leave the formal business clothes at home on the hangers.

Monday was a hair cut day for me. I went to see my stylist Michelle because my hair was getting long, well long for me, plus I had my close-up, as it were, with my extra role. I also like going to see her because she likes to run her fingers through my hair.

I had Michelle shave off my moustache. She did so with some reluctance. I don't see why she was so concerned about shaving it off; I can always grow it back in a month or so. Besides, Michelle says I look younger with it off. I agree with her.

I have noticed that she is very selective in whose hair she runs her fingers. I consider myself lucky.

Michelle would be a close to perfect girl friend except for the fact that she is very young for me, in her twenties, and wants to have babies. I don't want to have any more babies around unless they can be quickly handed off to their parents.

Babies are great and I think everyone should experience the joys of raising children. In my case, I have already experienced all of joys and other times twice with the Princess and the Big Guy. Changing used diapers doesn't get any better the second time or with the second child.

I have been working on my dissertation and this is no fun at all. I have managed to write about 15 pages so far and I am pleased with those results. I did spend some time on organizing the next chapter so hopefully that section will go better than the current one.

I went to the cinema yesterday. I saw two films, Sahara and Sin City.

Sahara is a POS film and I do not mean Point of Sale. I should point out that I am a really big Clive Cussler fan and have read all of the Dirk Pitt books along with the others he has written. Anyone who has followed Dirk Pitt will be sorely disappointed with this waste of celluloid.

There are major gaps in the plot line here. For example, the three actors are seen boarding a train from camels as it heads towards the evil chemical plant. The next thing, they are deep within the plant and there is no explanation of how they got there.

Maybe Scottie beamed them in?

Even seeing Penelope Cruz in a bikini just before the closing credits was not enough to save the film for me.

The Big Guy thought the only reason this film was made was so that Matthew McConaughey could play a "stoner Indiana Jones." After sitting through the film, I think he is right.

The other film was Sin City and it was one of those epic films that grabs ahold of you for the full showing. It is definitely worth seeing more than once. I think I may go catch it again this weekend. I had thought about seeing the new Woodie Allen film, Melinda and Melinda, but now I think I will pass on Woodie and go see Sin City again, it's just that great.

Since I am in Southern California and it is Spring Break for me, I think I will go head out to the balcony and smoke a cigar while I read something relaxing.

Be well and stay happy.


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