Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Captain Ahab turned to the mate and said, "The course is west by southwest Mr. Starbuck."

Missing at the Blog
I know I wasn’t here last night. I had every intention of showing up for the blog posting. But, things happen in life.

The building called an unscheduled meeting to discuss a “sudden, new,” problem. The problem was neither sudden nor new. The building roof has been leaking off and on for at least fifteen years and maybe as long as twenty years.

Here’s the real news flash, if you don’t attend to problems when you discover them, they only get worse.

So your humble scribe sat through ninety minutes of hand wringing and moaning by the board of directors about the fact that we need to take out a loan to pay for a new roof. We can not qualify for a loan unless the building hires a professional management company so manage the finances. The bank wants a management company in place to help insure the loan is repaid. Banks were never stupid when it comes to lending money. The management company will cost more money; another brilliant news flash.

I was tempted to ask the board of directors why they spent money to remodel the lobby three times when they knew there was a problem with the roof; why they spent money on an unnecessary front door awning when they knew there was a problem with the roof; why they paved the third floor atrium when they knew there was a problem with the roof; and why they spent money on painting the outside of the building when they knew there was a problem with the roof.

I could have asked that question. But why be a complete jerk and needless prolong the meeting so I remained silent. I know some of the directors would have been really uncomfortable with that question.

I came back to my flat feeling depressed. I decided to have a double shot of Chivas Regal Scotch whisky instead. That was an eminently better solution. I would add that I slept very well last night.

Captain Ahab and the Whales
I was listening to the radio this morning when I learned that what I considered to be thong creep on a young woman [her thong is above the top of the back of her pants] is really called a “whale’s tale.”

I thought that was fascinating knowledge.

It does lend a new meaning to the phrase, “thar she blows!”

Douguary and Chuckay Event Planning
I was talking to Doug about a potential event for our month long birthday celebrations of all things Doug and all things Chuck.

I suggested that we add a visit to an import tuner event since we both have an interest in the models that work at these shows. Doug said we should think about this for Chuckay. I said we could do in both months. He agreed with me.

I doubt anyone of our friends will understand why we will do this. Doug said none of his friends would understand, even the R or Mark.

I started doing some research by checking the models’ web sites for appearance information. I guess they are less detailed oriented than I am since some have appearance information that only goes as far as mid-2005, not very helpful when you are in early-2006.

One model had a journal on her web site. Promising, potentially.

The most recent entry was March 5, 2005.

We may have to resort to buying an import car tuner magazine to get the show details.

Cosmetics Class
One of the cosmetics companies was holding training yesterday and today. I could tell because there were a bunch of young women in black with white laboratory coats coming into the building with note books.

I was out in the courtyard talking to Doug on the cell phone when I noticed one student come out and sit down. She was crying loudly and her friend was trying to comfort her. I wondered what was causing her to be so upset.

I figured it was nothing to do with her family since she was out crying again outside my office after my lunch. She was crying loud enough for me to postpone a telephone call.

She came down one more time to cry in the middle afternoon.

Maybe the instructor said she had no talent or that she couldn’t do make up for a Halloween clown.

New Business Referral
I had a call when I got home from the office on Friday from a former colleague. He was asking if I was interested in some lending consulting work.

Of course I was interested; so I phoned him yesterday.

His company doesn’t need the help but he was calling on behalf of another company who needed some lending help. I told that I was interested and felt I could really help the other company fashion a simple solution to their needs.

I asked him to pass along my contact phone numbers. I will sit back and wait to see what develops from the call.

After I hung up the phone, I looked the other company financials up at an online site. Yes, they really do need my help. I wonder if the company is too far gone to be turned around. It may face new competitors that are better capitalized, provide better service, and are much more aggressive about gathering up new business.

I need to get my billable time in early before the company is acquired by a larger competitor.


Old Coworker
I had a phone call from an old coworker from the bank today.

He was searching around for some esoteric information and was having no luck. He phoned me because he was frustrated and thought I could find what he was looking for.

My friend was right to call me. It took me some time but I came up with answers he was looking for. My suggestions will help him meet his business unit’s goals for the year. Yes, I know it is only January but some goals require long lead times to achieve so every day saved is important.

Then, we talked about the old bank. It looks like it and a bunch of other banks are going to get extra examination scrutiny because of a change in banking policy in the United States. I am not saying he bank is in trouble, just that it will get more examination attention than it would like to have.

We both thought that was ironic and were very happy that we could not be blamed for the potential extra work because of the policy changes.

So now you are up to date with me.

Be well and stay happy.


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