Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The week is almost half over.

The week is almost half over
Yes gentle readers, the week is almost half over. Technically, the week won’t be half over until tomorrow evening but I am going to say it is half over because that makes me feel much better about getting up in the morning.

Anything to make me feel better is good when you wake up at 5:45 AM five days a week.

Warmer Weather
For those you who watched our Tournament of Roses parade in the rain on Monday and felt much better about not living in Southern California, the weather is improving. Tomorrow, we should see temperatures around 72F/22 or 73F/23C at the beach where I live and work. By the weekend, the temperature should be around 76F/25C.


Unfortunately, I have to wear a suit and tie to work so that takes away some of the joys of beach living.

With the temperature up to 76F/25C, I ought to be able to get outside and smoke one of the Emily cigars that I got at Christmas. That would be epic since I have some new books to read as well.

New Hire Day at the Cosmetics Company
It appeared to be a New Hire Orientation Day at one of the cosmetics companies in the building.

There was a completely new crowd of smokers in the courtyard today. I think they were from a cosmetics company since they were all wearing black and some were bizarrely styled with multi-colored hair. I am just not ready for a woman with black hair and have her with purple and orange highlights in it.

Too much time as a banker I guess.

The other giveaway that these were all new hires was they were wearing one of those crummy “Hello. My Name is ….” name tags. They were also on the younger side, like close to the Big Guy’s age.

I wonder if they will be there tomorrow or not.

Chuckay Update
Chuckay is coming. Doug and I settled on May 6th as the proper date for the annual Chuckay Dinner. We think this will work out nicely and avoid the Memorial Day rush and conflict from having the dinner at the end of the month.

For you new readers, well new since May of last year, Chuckay is a month long celebration of all things Chuck.

Adam Carolla Show on radio
Our local talk radio station that used to have Howard Stern now broadcasts Adam Carolla as his replacement.

Today was the first broadcast and I was not impressed. I should point out that I only have about twenty five minutes to listen to the program and I usually hit it is time to make the giant commercial break.

All I got from the show was that Adam Carolla’s father was there and so was Jimmy Kimmel. Nothing to get excited about and nothing to make me want to stick around. I thought the female news reader was a cheaper and poorer version of Robin Quivers.

Doug says the news reader is hot. I will take his word for that since it is hard to tell from the radio. I will give the show until the end of the week to win me over. Otherwise, I will switch to oldies rock and roll or news radio.

All in all, it was a promising start to the week.

Be well and stay happy.


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