Thursday, May 18, 2006

Feeling Guilty and Weekend Preview

Feeling Guilty
I felt really guilty about not posting last night. I wanted to post but I got sidetracked because it was pay the bills time. That took like an hour or so; maybe it was less time but it seemed longer.

I wish my money lasted as long.

Anyway, I finished the bills and crawled into bed. I did have a solid, uninterrupted sleep and that was so restful. I will make up last night’s absence with a great Weekend Update posting on Sunday.

Count Basie Orchestra Performance
If you will recall from a week or two ago, I had posted that I was disappointed with the short performance length of the orchestra. I felt 65 minutes was on the short side

Apparently, I was not the only one who felt that way. The theater management company sent me a letter saying they were upset with the performance and they were offering me two, half price tickets to any performance in the current or next season. Since I have seen two of the five productions in the coming season, I was not very interested. But, I may pick up the tickets and use them as a gift; there is the ex-wife’s birthday and there is Christmas so I do have a number of uses.

I will speak with the Big Guy because he will end up going to the performance with his mother. He should have a say in what he ends up seeing.

Doug and Easy Rider Term Paper
Doug called last night to say that he received an “A” on his term paper on the film EASY RIDER.

This was a different call from the other term paper from his children’s television class. It was all very simple and straight forward. I got an “A” and I’m very happy. That was about it. Doug said that his professor only wrote one comment of “interesting” on the paper.

I would have quit when I was ahead with the grade and be happy. His mother and I were both very pleased with the grade. I think we were happier because we did not have to listen to him complain and rant about this professor.

Doug thanked me for making him write to his ability and for helping with the proof reading. He said that it was my urging and comments that made him want to start all over with the paper.

That was nice to hear.

Weekend Preview
This was going to be another weekend of writing and maybe a little cleaning around the place. That has all changed by now.

Saturday is my day to drive to San Diego for fresh cigars to last me through year end. I will try to take a photo or two of the Cuban Cigar Factory in the Gas Lamp District in San Diego.

It is right around the corner from a Hooters restaurant. Normally, I would think long and hard and seriously about having my lunch at Hooters and then drive home while I smoked a cigar. Unfortunately, the service has really been bad when I have gone there before; perhaps, really sucked is a better description of their non-service.

Doug and I will take lunch at the Original Tommy’s Hamburgers in Westminster [North Orange County] instead. You can’t go wrong for a meal at Tommy’s. On the subject of Tommy’s, one of the local television stations did a news remote broadcast from Tommy’s on Monday. People were saying they had been in line for two and a half hours just to buy a cheeseburger for 60 cents.

It's that good.

I may stop at the La Mirada Theater box office and pick up my extra tickets after lunch, assuming Doug can decide on which show he is willing to sit through.

Sunday is a day of writing again. I hope to be able to write for maybe ten pages. Ten pages would be a really nice start into the chapter.

Not a very busy weekends as weekends go for me. But, still, I will be active and out of the house for part of the weekend. Maybe if the weather cooperates, I will be able to smoke one of the new cigars while I read one of the books the Princess got me for my birthday.

Be well and stay happy.


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