Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

Election Day
I will be so glad and happy when today is over.

Our election process is so morally corrupt; it is generally filled with attack advertisements that seek only to denigrate the opposing candidate and say nothing about the issues facing the people. Maybe the politicians are afraid of telling us the truth and that we can’t handle the truth. Maybe the politicians are too busy pandering to special interest groups and making promises for programs that never see the light of day only to encourage a group to vote for the politician.

I don’t think that is the case.

I’m a big boy; I volunteered to serve in our Navy during our Vietnam War. I went overseas and got shot at unlike many officials who never wore the uniform of the United States or heard a shot fired in anger.

Now, my phone won’t be ringing all evening long and my mail box will be mostly empty now of political advertisements.

I’m over it now. Maybe I’ll sit the next election out.

Job Searching and Interviewing
I had my panel interview this afternoon.

A panel interview is one of those interesting processes in hiring. The object is to have as many people buy into the hiring decision so that failure has many parents. I was interviewed by six managers who did not have significant subject matter experience for the job I was interviewing for.

Everyone has the same set of questions so it is all scripted if you will.

I think Doug could have written a better script and his friend Rob could have done a better job directing the project.

Most of the questions focused on my management style and approaches. This is interesting but of questionable value since my approach will be different from any one of the panel members. My approach is based on what has worked for me in the past under the same or similar circumstances and that is not how the panelists will approach the same factual setting.

Anyway, I think I did well. I can only base my assessment on the volume of notes the panelists took down while I was making an answer.

My friend Sharon called me just as I was finishing the panel interview.

She wanted to know how my interview went and I told I thought I did well but it is almost impossible to tell. We talked about some of the questions; she thought they were not very good.

Sharon talked about her new job and how she went from meeting to meeting. It must be nice to be Sharon and be able to go to meetings. We talked about some standard industry benchmarks for one product. It turns out the company doesn’t use those industry standard benchmarks. They use a much older and obsolete standard. This must put them at a competitive disadvantage when all of their competitors are now using one common standard.

It will be a fascinating year for both of us. I know Sharon will be calling me regularly for help.

Woman of the Moment
These are the last of the Sunisa Kim photos. They are taken from the Speed Options feature. I think the next Woman of the Moment will be a Speed Options model.

Be well and stay happy.


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