Friday, February 16, 2007

Brain Farts and Other Minor Traumas

Brain Farts and Other Minor Traumas
I had a major brain fart on Thursday when I was at school.

After my morning class, I went out to the Prelude to change books in preparation for the evening class. I retrieved the evening class books and then went back into the school building. I left my keys in the trunk lock and they were in broad daylight so anyone could have taken them and driven off with the car.

I was so embarrassed when I rushed out to my car ninety minutes later to get the keys and retain the Prelude.

On balance, Thursday was not the best day of the week for me.

Lincoln’s Birthday
Abraham Lincoln, probably our Nation’s greatest President, was born on Monday February 12th.

We used to celebrate February 12th and February 22nd, Washington’s Birthday, as national holidays until President Richard Nixon issued an executive order in 1973 or 1974 that combined the two holidays into one, the third Monday in February, to honor all of our Nation’s Presidents.

That was a big mistake.

Which leads me to my next observation.

One of my students in my Monday morning class skipped the class because he thought it was a holiday. He wasn’t born when the holiday observance was changed and yet he tried to use that as an excuse to skip class.

That was so bogus and he got called on the carpet for it by his classmates.

School Teaching
The term is coming to an end now. Next week is the last week of the term and the students are getting rightfully nervous now.

Some students, the ones in my Microeconomics class, have a very legitimate right to be concerned and nervous. Their final examination is largely a vocabulary and reading test. I looked at one final examination question for three or four minutes and concluded I could not answer it. I looked the answer up and still did not understand the logic of the answer.

Another teacher who has a section of Microeconomics and I talked about the exam. We concluded that it did not truly measure student learning. This is especially difficult for some students because they never received a strong foundation of English in high school.

After next week, I ought to be able to get back to posting a blog daily from Sunday through Thursday.

Programming Note
Since Monday will be the Presidents’ Day holiday, the Weekend Update will not be posted until Monday evening. I may post an extra Weekend Bonus Feature for those of you that like to start your week out with the blog and my life.

Woman of the Moment
This will be the final appearance for Michelle Yeoh as the daily Woman of the Moment. Gong Li will close out with the next blog posting. That means that you can look forward to a new woman and a new face in the blog next week.

It was warm and sunny today at the beach. I was out buzzing around today in my shorts and a golf shirt. I had my Lakai skate board shoes and Lakai baseball hat on as well.

Life was good today at the beach. Someone has to live at the beach; that might as well be me.

The Monday and holiday weather forecast is calling for rain. I will not get upset if it rains on Monday. I will be busy with other things like grading late homework submissions and doing last minutes reviews of course project papers.

I can stay inside and be comfortable and warm.

Doug and I had a simple steak dinner in Tuesday when he was here for his internships. It was a good meal and it filled us up. We finished our dinners with a desert from our favorite Italian delicatessen, Giuliano’s.

We may or may not go out for dinner on Monday since his school is closed for the holiday and he could arrive earlier than his usual after class 10:30 PM appearance. His plans are still up in the air so I won’t know what will happen until probably on Sunday or maybe Monday morning.

Weekend Preview
The big event for the weekend will be the theater. I have tickets for a play on Saturday night at the Pasadena Playhouse. All I know about the play is that it is about race relations in the military in the 1970s.

That hardly seems like a good subject for a play.

I will go watch the play with an open mind and I will write about it in the Weekend Update on Monday.

Year of the Pig
I sent my Chinese friends a Happy New Year email card. Sunday is the beginning of the Year of the Pig. I didn’t think that being born in the Year of the Pig was a good choice for birth years. One of my Chinese friends said that it is considered a good year to be born in because the Pig people are kind, honest, and friendly.

For the record, the Princess was born in the Year of the Dragon and Doug and I were both born in the Year of the Rooster. According the Chinese zodiac, we should all get along well.

Be well and stay happy.


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