Thursday, March 08, 2007

Weekend Preview - March 8th

Weekend Preview – March 8th
This weekend is shaping up to a degree. There are still a lot of gaps in my plans and activities. I will nail everything down later tonight or tomorrow. I think this is likely to be a short blog posting.

I will give my friend Amber a call tonight and see if she has anything in mind for Sunday. We are supposed to get together and do something. Right now, I am leaning towards going to the cinema but I do not have a film to see in mind. I asked Doug what he thought would be a good film to see. He is planning to see 300 tomorrow night. I wonder if Amber would like to see that film. The phone call should help things out quite a bit.

Tomorrow, I go in for my annual physical examination. Getting poked and prodded is not my idea of starting the weekend off. My doctor should be happy that I am not smoking any more. I know he will still find some things to lecture me about.

I have season tickets to two playhouses in Southern California. My next seats are on April 14th and both playhouses had scheduled a performance for that night for my season ticket series. I asked Amber which play she would like to see and she picked a good one.

That left me with one set that I could not use. I drove into my old office, not literally, this morning and dropped the extra set of tickets off with my former assistant. I have been giving her tickets off and on since 1998. She and her daughter love the theater so they make it a “girls’ night out to the theater.” They will be seeing a musical comedy so they ought to enjoy themselves.

I check the bog regularly and I am interested in the Sitemeter readings. This is where I get the visitor information that I put in the Weekend Update Blog. For the last day and a half, Sitemeter had not been functioning for the blog. When I checked yesterday afternoon, it had recorded on one visitor for the day. This morning, it was still showing only one visitor for yesterday and none for today. I do hope Sitemeter gets fixed soon.

Job Searching and Interviewing
I received a call from my friend Sharon this morning about the reference she had given me. We have used each other off and on over the years as professional job references. We worked together as peers for about two years and then I brought Sharon with me when I changed jobs and became the president of a credit union. Sharon worked with me at the credit union for another four years until she had outgrown what the credit union had to offer her.

Sharon said that the interview with the verification company was sketchy because the caller wasn’t very organized. Sharon is very organized and can multi-task with the best of them.

That was nice of her.

I also got a call from a recruiter that I had been working with. The recruiter was the one who was trying to fill the job in Southern California that was 180 miles / 290 kilometers away. She called to say the client had decided to pursue another candidate.

That was very professional of her to close out the process. I was not completely upset since I was not that keen on the idea of a relocation move away from the beach to a place that is hot and dry.

Woman of the Moment
I am going to try to organize the series of photos so that I have three photos of Vivian Hsu in a bikini for example. I think this makes for a more interesting visual display.

Be well and stay happy.


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