Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Free Lunch

Free Lunch
There are free lunches in the world if you look for them.

I had a free lunch with an old co-worker; he paid for it. Of course, the next lunch will be at my expenses. It works out in the end I guess.

We went to a Chinese restaurant that he likes. I was not really in the mood for a large meal since this is the first week after my latest chemotherapy infusion. I still have an appetite; it is just more subdued than at other times. Some days, I feel like skipping the meal and hopping back into my bed for a rest – nap instead.

I ordered something that I knew I could enjoy and still not upset my stomach. I had some sweet and sour fried chicken with white rice. It was a nice lunch and the leftover will make a good dinner for me tonight.

We talked about some of the apparent bad or poor decisions the new management has made over the last eighteen months at our old credit union. Most of them do not make any sense to either of us.

My friend compared our last efforts at the credit union to those of the new management group. He found that we outperformed them based on some very simple metrics. We consistently made money while the new group has not. We added to the capital position while the new group has burned through the capital that we added. We treated the employees with dignity and didn’t make decisions in secret. The new group has gone through a revolving door of senior managers.

So much for team building.

My friend and I ran the credit union with the idea of making money for the members. There’s a simple business plan. The new group issued company credit cards to more than half of the employees with limited, if any, controls on them.

So much for profits to pay for the business.

The new group seems to like working from home. I suppose that makes sense today, what with gasoline prices being what they are now. But, I still have one simple question, in a customer contact based business model; how do you interact with a customer or member from home?

You don’t.

Recovery – Part [something]
I forgot what series this was in my Recovery from cancer series this was. I know I can look it up but I have no inclination to spend my time that way.

I’m now in my seventh chemotherapy infusion cycle. I will have one more after this one. My finger and toes seem to be more acutely aware or sensitive to the cold now even though the weather has gotten much better. It was Summer like over the weekend.

I guess my system has built a supply of the Oxaliplatin and Xeloda that will take some time to pass out. I figure I ought to be over the sensitivity by the end of June. I will certainly enjoy being able to drink cold drinks whenever I want to this Summer.

I am getting better so that is all that matters right now to me.

Andy Sippy
Andy Sippy is my tailor from Hong Kong. I have been buying suits from him for thirty five years now. Obviously, I am a very satisfied customer. I have three suits that I am tired of wearing; I have had them for eleven years each. I need a change. I will be seeing Andy at the end of the month for two new suits.

I talked to Doug today about going with me and buying a custom made suit from Hong Kong. I explained how much better it is to buy one from Andy since it is made from the fabric and color that he wants and not what the suit store has in stock. It is also made in the style that he likes instead of what is currently trendy or popular.

We will be seeing Andy at the end of the month after we had our every three week visit with the oncologists. That will be a busy day for me because I will be leaving town to see the Princess and the Golfer the following morning.


Be well and stay happy.


Blogger reiser said...

Do you have current contact info for Andy Sippy?
Thanks. Richard Reiser, Los Angeles

2:49 PM  
Blogger Chuck Reinhardt said...

Richard I am sorry that I can't find my contact information for Andy. He usually comes to Los Angeles in the Spring time. He should send me a notice that will have his contact information. I will try to post it if I get an announcement in time.

1:25 PM  

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