Thursday, May 08, 2008

Late Night and Early Morning Low Clouds and Fog Along the Coast

Late night and early morning low clouds and fog along the Coast
That is standard weather forecast for our little part of Paradise. We have overcast skies for most days. Usually, the overcast and fog and low clouds stop or end just east of my building. The temperature can change by as much as 10F / 6C in as little as a mile or a kilometer and change.

Chuckay, for the newer readers, is a monthly long celebration of all things Chuck. May is my birthday month and Doug and I use it as an excuse to go visit our favorite fast food and not so fast food restaurants.

Chuckay will be different this year, largely because of my cancer and its treatment. I don’t want to go to dinner at Morton’s the Steakhouse until the end of a chemotherapy cycle so I can indulge and enjoy the Morton’s Chocolate Cake. The cake comes as a cube and when you slice it with a spoon, hot fudge comes pouring out and mixes with some very rich vanilla ice cream. The chemotherapy makes me highly sensitive to the cold and the ice cream will be cold to the taste and thus not very enjoyable for me. Even cold water makes me feel badly.

Doug and I plan to cut back on our eating this time around. I think we will pass on going to In n Out Burgers. Doug isn’t that interested in going there and I can go there anytime I want since it is within easy driving of my flat.

We will, of course, be going to the Original Tommy’s Burgers this month. I would love to have another Mega Combo meal but I think that will be too much for me to eat. One of the side affects of my cancer treatment is a slight loss of appetite; I am eating smaller portions of food now. On balance, this is a positive change for me.

I weighed myself this week. I weigh myself every week so I can track any changes that might be caused by my chemotherapy. My weight is down to 176 pounds / 80 kilograms. I would like to drop another five pounds / two or three kilos over the next month or so.

Visiting the Princess
I finished making my travel plans to visit the Princess at the end of the month. Unlike my regular visits to Atlanta, I will now be traveling to Seattle. This makes it possible to have a good visit by flying up to Seattle on Saturday and flying home on Sunday. The flight is shorter and there are no time zones to deal with either.

After my last flight, I am definitely not going to fly on the Delta Connections. That was a near given for me.

I dialed up to check out the fares from here to Seattle. They were pretty much the same at around USD$180 each way.

Virgin America is a new air carrier here with non-stop flights between Seattle and Los Angeles that is influenced by Sir Richard Branson. Virgin America wasn’t listed on Expedia so went to their web site. The prices were very impressive for me; a coach ticket was USD$79. The first class ticket was USD$230 each way.

I decided to give myself a birthday present and fly First Class on Virgin America for an extra USD$100. I was most influenced by the space that I would have between me and the seat in front of me; 55 inches / 140 centimeters. The fact that there are only eight first class seats meant that I would not be crowded either and the cabin service ought to be excellent.

My hotel is only five or six blocks walk to Morton’s where we will have dinner. Depending on the weather, I will probably walk to Morton’s and then ask the Princess for a ride back to my hotel after dinner.

Dressing Change
I had my weekly dress change this morning. I didn’t see either of the Baby Blues today. I think this was the first without seeing them in maybe two or three months. Oh well, there is always next week and maybe I will see them then.

Dinner with Merit
I went to El Gringo tonight for my dinner. That should be no surprise to any regular reader of the blog.

Doug joined me for dinner. We watched one of the professional basketball playoff games so it was a sort of a silent dinner. I had a taco salad so I can claim that I had some healthy food today.

Merit was working tonight and she was wearing some below her hips pants. I noticed that Merit had a new to me tattoo. Merit said she was getting another tattoo because she wanted to get another tattoo. It was busy again tonight so Merit and I did not have much time to talk.

There is always next week for a conversation with Merit.

Shock and Awe
Yesterday, when I opened my email, I had an invitation to join one of my student’s social network. I don’t recall if it was Facebook or LinkedIn or My Space.

I was in a state of shock and awe as I immediately deleted the invitation.

Accepting an invitation would be unprofessional and unethical from my point of view. It would also be a violation of school policy. I decided to check with the Associate Dean to see if I missed any steps or procedures. He said what I did was proper and that noting further was warranted.

If nothing else, the Associate Dean is on notice that I had this potential problem come up.

Be well and stay happy.


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