Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Sunny Day for Me

Another Sunny Day
Today was a sunny day for me for a change.

I was not rudely awakened this morning by the back alarms of a dozen or more construction vehicles. I was not shaken out of bed by a machine that was grinding the
asphalt road just outside my building.

When I went to the market on Monday, I saw some new ice cream that I should try as soon as I can. The Dove Chocolate company has an ice cream product. The new product that caught my eye was called “Unconditionally Chocolate.” I am almost certain that there were other flavors in the cooler bin; I just didn’t notice them. I will definitely have some over the weekend for sure and certain.

More premium chocolate ice cream on the market is always a ginormous plus for me.

Baby Blues
Jennifer changed my dressing again today. Glenda was not with her today. More of the sunny day for me.

Jennifer did a great job of changing the dressing on my arm last week. I had patch of irritated or sore skin. Jennifer was able to bandage around the area that so it could heal. I think it will heal completely in another two or three weeks.

While I was there, one of Jennifer’s supervisors came in to remind her of new program that offered dressing changes at the patient’s home. I told her that I thought that was a bad idea.

Jennifer asked why I thought that way.

I said that I wouldn’t be able to see you as often as I do now.

Jennifer giggled and laughed, just like I thought she would do.

Fox News Channel
I was watching Fox News Channel as I ate my lunch. The show featured an alleged real estate expert who was pushing the idea that people should look in other area where prices have fallen dramatically.

Well, doh.

Isn’t that obvious to almost anyone?

This alleged expert suggested that the viewers might want to consider a suburb of Salt Lake City. That sounded very reasonable on its face until she said the suburb she had in mind was Logan, Utah.

Fortunately for me, I had nothing in my mouth at the time. I laughed out loud.

Logan is not a suburb of Salt Lake City. It is 83 miles / 134 kilometers away and the last 30 miles / 48 kilometers or so is over a two lane highway that runs through the mountains. Microsoft Trips and Maps says you can make the trip in 8o minutes.

There is only one way you can make the trip in 80 minutes and that is with a police escort for the entire trip. You have to travel through the mountains, think lots of snow in the Winter, to reach the Interstate highway and then you have to drive through Ogden and its suburbs, think lots of messy morning and evening commuter traffic, before you reach Salt Lake.

You can forget the 80 minute drive as soon as Winter arrives, usually in October and stays until late Spring. There is snow and ice and rain and fog to challenge your driving skill. I would not want to drive and push the speed in those conditions. Driving in a white out is difficult because the road has disappeared from view.

I had to share this gaff with the Princess because I knew she would appreciate it and I wanted to return her call. She laughed and snickered at the expert’s gross error. Then I asked her if she could guess the expert’s hair color.

The Princess said, “Blond, of course, Daddy.”

Perfectomundo Princess.

I guess Fox News Channel can still be fair and balanced but not necessarily accurate.

The Princess
The Princess returned my call and wanted to see how her favorite father was doing with his recovery. I told her that I would phone her tomorrow after the oncologist’s visit and let her know the results of the visit.

I asked her how she liked the tea I sent her and the coffee I sent for the Golfer. The Princess loves all three of the tea flavors but sounded more partial to the Chinese oolong tea. I asked how the Golfer liked the coffee. She said he was drinking tea with her right now and had not touched the coffee yet. Hopefully, they will try the coffee soon.

I got a notice this morning that Firefox had downloaded an update and that it was ready to be installed. I apprehensively clicked the accept button and waited to see what happened.

I just knew that this Version had to be better than that nightmare called Version

It seems to be working out just fine. My Internet surfing is much, much smoother and quicker. I have not found sudden hang-ups or “not responding” problems. I think it may be too soon to remove Safari but I am leaning that if the new version holds up for me over the next week or so.

Another sunny day for me.

Woman of the Moment Encore
This will be the end of the formal Woman of the Moment Encore for now. I will probably run periodic Women of the Moment Encore features of my personal favorite Woman of the Moment, Faline Song. I can do that; it’s my blog after all.

Be well and stay happy.


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