Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts
I didn’t put a blog posting yesterday.

I spent more time at school than I normally do during the week. I had a brief, in the middle of the hall, talk with the Associate Dean about my recovery and my plans for the next term. I told him that I thought I would be able to teach again and asked for Friday’s off so I wont have to miss class because of the chemotherapy session.

The Dean and the school have been very supportive of my recovery. He did not see any trouble in granting me the Fridays off from teaching.

I stopped by my broker on the way home to pick up a check. Then, I took it to my credit union after I had my lunch and changed my clothes. I was struck by the fact the credit union seemed overstaffed with three tellers and a branch manager and a business development officer. I don’t understand why the business development officer was helping a teller sort out a problem. This is something that the branch manager is supposed to do or at least it what was the practice when I was the credit union’s Chief Operating Officer.

I finished up the day with a trip to the hospital to drop off my latest prescription for Xeloda. It was an interesting why to spend thirty or forty minutes. I just shrugged of my impressions of inefficiency, laziness, and lack of concern for the patients.

I got to refresh my opinions today when I picked up the prescription this morning. The sign on the door says the pharmacy opens at 8:00 AM. To me, that means being at your job before you are supposed to open. The pharmacy opened at 8:07, not stellar performance in my measurement and management book. Of course, the process was slowed by the counter clerks sharing photos from a party over the weekend and lack of all full staff. Some workers were not ready to serve the patients as late as 8:20.

So much for professionalism in the hospital pharmacy.

I had two phone calls this morning while I was changing my colostomy bag. I can personally and absolutely assure you that this is something that should never be interrupted. Not so surprisingly, neither caller left a message.

Doug thought the caller dialed a wrong number and hung up after hearing my voice.

I graded papers today. My writing students are getting much better now. I think my red pen will lost until the end of the term. That makes me feel great as a teacher.

Be well and stay happy.


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