Saturday, November 29, 2008


I didn’t put a post up yesterday [Thursday]. I was busy cooking Thanksgiving Day dinner; Doug and his mother came over for dinner.

I didn’t put a post up yesterday [Friday] either. I was feeling poorly all day.

For the record, we had a very nice Thanksgiving Day diner. It was one of our traditional dinners with everyone eating their own special favorites. Doug and his mother had cranberry sauce with their turkey; I did not. I had peas and they did not. Doug and his mother had pumpkin pie with whipped cream; I had mince pie. Doug drank water; his mother and I drank Pinot Noir wine.

Everyone was satisfied.


Then came yesterday for me.

I woke with some really nasty cramps in my lower abdomen. These cramps are transitory in that they come and go and do not last for any length of time. I have had a serious cramping bout only once since my operation last year. I did speak to Dr. Karen about the cramping. She thought it might be a result of the scar tissue from the operation since my area of pain was right where the scar tissue was located.

I had a normal breakfast of Rice Krispies cereal with milk and a sliced banana and a toasted muffin with peanut butter yesterday. So far so good.

Then, I had lunch of a turkey sandwich, obviously, with some stuffing. I was unable to keep the sandwich down and vomited for part of the afternoon. I didn’t do much of anything for the rest of the day.

I slept fitfully last night. I woke up around 8:20AM this morning and felt much better. The cramping went away during the night and my bowels were functioning normally. I think the scar tissue was pressing up on my small intestine and acting like a block so that everything in my digestive system backed up.

I will ask Dr. Karen about the blockage theory on Friday when I see her again. I need some new questions to ask her.

We had another great week for visitor traffic, thanks in large part to the Germans. We had 940 visitors this week. The traffic was mostly foreign this week; that was to be expected. We will have a record month for blog visitor traffic.

I have three new classes this term so I have three sets of lecture notes to prepare and three sets of lesson plans to create. These are going to be one of my major activities this weekend.

Be well and stay happy.


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