Friday, April 24, 2009

Perfecting the Two Hour Nap

Perfecting the Two Hour Nap
As many of you know, I am being treated for colon cancer with chemotherapy. I had been undergoing chemotherapy treatment since December 2007. One of the consequences of my treatment is that I tend to get tired from time to time. This is largely a function of my teaching schedule. A late night class where I get home around 10:40 PM followed by an 8:00 AM class the next day is a real killer for me.

My simple solution has been to take a short afternoon nap or go to bed right after dinner around 7:30 PM. That is a little too early for bed time for me since the sun is still up.

I have gotten the napping down very well. I can hit my bed and nap for about two hours and wake up refreshed and relaxed.


I will be the first to admit that I am looking forward to the two week long quarter break at the end of May. I will enjoy being able to sleep in for two weeks except for my jury duty time which should be a day or so long.

Visitor traffic fell off last week to 612. This happens from time to time. Even with the fall off, the blog is on track for one of the best months ever in terms of visitor traffic. Most of the visitors are from outside of the United States.

I do appreciate all of you who stop by the blog.

Chuckay Events
Chuckay, a month long celebration of all things Chuck, is rapidly sharing up. Chuckay is an extension of Douguary; it is something that Doug and I do to celebrate our birthdays.

Doug and I will be going to lunch at the Original Tommy’s Hamburgers in Westminster on May 2nd. We will follow this with the traditional Chuckay Birthday Dinner at Morton’s the Steakhouse on May 16th. We don’t celebrate on the weekend closest to my birthday because that is Mothers’ Day and I don’t want to be in a restaurant then.

Doug does take his mother out for Mothers’ Day dinner. Good son.

One of my old coworkers from the bank invited out for a drink after work on May 8th to celebrate my birthday. She said she was going to invite one of her girl friends as well because her girl friend thought that I had a nice smile.


Then, to make things even better, my friend Elaine from Hawaii is coming to the Mainland in May and we are planning on having dinner on the 20th. Elaine has been one of my oldest friends with our friendship dating back at least 15 or 16 years.

I will have two sessions with Dr. Karen in May and I will see Molly the Stylist for a hair cut in May. I’m not certain if these can qualify as Chuckay Events or not. I will ask Doug what he thinks when we have lunch.

Be well and stay happy.


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