Thursday, October 29, 2009

Molly the Stylist and phone calls

Phone Calls
Tuesday was an interesting day for phone calls.

I had my usual one from the salon to remind me that I had an appointment to see Molly on Wednesday for a haircut. Natalie was in a good mood when we had a brief call. I was looking forward to concluding the call when I saw Natalie on Wednesday.

Then, I had my unusual phone call for the day around 7:00 PM or so. It was the colorectal surgery clinic at the hospital. I have never received a phone call this late from any of the clinics. The caller whose name I either didn’t hear or forgot wanted to know if I had an electrocardiogram on the 20th when I went in for all of my tests.

I said yes.

She asked if I had I a copy of the test.

I said yes.

She asked me to bring it to the colonoscopy on Friday so the doctors could look at it.

I said yes and then I said good night.

After I hung up, I started to wonder why they wanted me to bring the test copy. I was told by the technician who gave me the test that a copy was stored electronically. Why couldn’t the doctors just go online and look at the test results? I thought the request was unusual.

Then, I remembered the request was from the colorectal surgery clinic; the clinic that misplaces records and loses things and makes schedule errors. It all made sense to me now.

Molly the Stylist
“Oh my god, Charles! Those brownies were wonderful.”

That was how Molly the Stylist greeted me when I walked into the salon on Wednesday. I guessed that she liked them. She was also very glad that I gave them to her after her wedding.

Molly did; loved them actually. She liked all of the flavors. Molly said that she would nibble on a brownie while she was cutting hair, a nibble here, snip, snip, snip, and another nibble and so on.

I asked Molly if she took one home to her husband. Very proudly, she said that she did. Unfortunately for him, he was slow in getting to the brownie and Molly ate it all.

Molly said that my hair had grown so long since my last visit. I thought that was a good thing for me since I am a cancer patient and I am in chemotherapy.

Natalie was not working as a receptionist on Wednesday. Rachel took her place. Molly asked me if I remembered Rachel from before. I thought a moment and said, “Late Spring, Molly described you as a refugee from Newport Beach and you were cutting hair.”

Rachel was really surprised because she was almost speechless. I suppose that she felt good because someone had remembered her from a chance meeting six months earlier. I only saw Rachel once before Wednesday and that was when I was introduced to her. After that, I guess our schedules changed or Rachel when to work at a different salon.

It felt good for me to brighten Rachel’s day by remembering her.

I got my weekly email from today that had the visitor count. This last week, the blog had 128 visitors who looked at 184 unique pages. The blog is the second most popular page among the viewers.

The blog seems to be attracting more Iranians. They are not reading about my life and what passes for drama in it. They seem to be attracted to photos of young women in skimpy bikinis. I do worry about their souls.

When I was checking to see who wandered into, I noticed that I had a Follower now. The Follower is one of my nieces; I guess she wants to see what Uncle Chuck is doing or not doing as the case maybe. I suppose that I ought to post more regularly.

Be well and stay happy.


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