Monday, May 26, 2014

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and a Mud Pie

I went to the local Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf over the weekend. It’s something I do to reward myself. I was so surprised when I saw the store is now serving Mud Pies.
I don’t know what goes into a Mud Pie. I just love the taste. For the record, a Mud Pie is an ice blended drink based on coffee and some other powder stuff. I like mine made thick withe extra ice.
Doug introduced me to the Mud Pie back in 2007 when I was recovering from my first operation for colon cancer. Dr. Karen Kwan, my oncologist, was urging me to gain weight.
Imagine that, a doctor telling me to gain weight.
Her reasons were excellent. I had lost close to seventy pounds between a planned diet so I looked good at the Princess’ wedding and the after effects of the surgery. I needed the weight to help with my recovery. I was enjoying a large Mud Pie about three or four times a week.
Then, for an unknown reason, Coffee Bean dropped the product maybe five years ago.
I don’t know how long the Mud Pie will be available but I do plan to visit my Coffee Bean more frequently now.
Be well and stay happy.


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