Monday, April 25, 2005

Mondays happen

Guess what gentle readers?

Mondays happen.

And so too this Monday happened for me. I can't say that very much happened today for me.

I was productive in the office and almost finished up two projects. I should finish them tomorrow if I can get my hands on an editable copy of a key file that I need. I have a copy, but, since I don't have Adobe Pagemaker on my PC in the office, I can't edit the file .pdf file.

The building next door's renovation is moving along in what seems like fits and starts. It looks like the workers are getting ready to remove the large, roof-top air conditioning units in the next day or so. They spent a good part of the day cutting away at supports and piping.

I was surprised to see one worker digging away at the roof with a pick. I guess he was trying to punch a new set of holes in the roof. That makes no sense to me.

What do I know about construction? Not very much. I do know how to finance construction though.

I found out that one of my peers is leaving the bank at the end of the week. I will miss him and I hope he has a good run at the new location and, as we used to say in the Fleet [U.S. Navy], smooth seas and a following wind.

Life moves on as ever.

I was going to call the Girl Friend today but decided instead to focus on finishing up on the work at hand. I can call her tomorrow and make plans for the weekend. I want to go see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy this weekend. The trailers looked interesting and it seems like it ought to be funny.

By the bye gentle readers, it safe for you to post a comment or ask a question. If you do, I will try to answer it in a timely manner. I am off to do some other stuff right now.

Be well and stay happy.


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