Monday, October 24, 2005

Things I Forgot to Mention in the Update

Things I Forgot to Mention
Hello gentle readers. I do have a few things that I forgot to mention last night in the Update.

I forgot to mention that I felt guilty for running around the office in a golf shirt and Dockers on business casual dress on Fridays. Vivian the Office Assistant is always cold, even in the middle of Summer. Vivian had her space heater under her desk on full. She was wearing a wool turtle neck sweater, a muffler, long pants, and a thick coat that came down to her knees.

I told her that I felt embarrassed being warm and comfortable as I was while she was suffering. Vivian said it was fine; she was used to being the only cold one in the office.

I also forgot to mention how Sharon’s evil boss was making her life miserable. It seems that her boss does not understand how to manage and lead professionals. I doubt her boss could lead a squad of hungry Marines to the mess hall that was directly across the parade ground and upwind.

The Princess Spoke
I phoned the Princess to get her thoughts on some Ethel M candy for Amy the server from Morton’s. The Princess said I was right to call her; that way I could avoid making a bad mistake. I had picked out three choices and asked the Princess which one I should get for Amy. With flawless logic, she picked one and that was a perfectly safe choice.

Then, the Princess said, “Daddy, since you are in a buying mood; Emily is almost out of coffee and I am nearly out of tea. Can you go buy us some coffee and tea and send it to us?” I said I would pick some up and mail it off this weekend.

Just so you don’t get the idea that Atlanta is a small backwoods city that doesn’t have any decent coffee or tea for sale, the Princess and Emily like the coffee and tea from The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, a Southern California company. Once you find a good supplier, it is hard to change.

The G-Man
One of my coworkers, the G-Man, sent me a couple of cigars in the interoffice mail. They were supposed to arrive on Friday so I could enjoy one of them out on the balcony. The G-Man called Friday to ask about them and I said the package had not been delivered. We talked about where they could have gone and came to no conclusions.

I don’t think I would have been out smoking on the weekend since it was damp and cool and windy. This coming weekend looks better for smoking outside. I will be enjoying one of the cigars for sure.

The Weather
It was another crummy day today. The morning low clouds and mist never really went away today. I didn’t see the sun at all and I drove home without wearing my sunglasses. I also did not open the sunroof in my car like I normally do.

It was Day 70 today and nothing happened. Not that I expected anything to happen today.

Today was a slow day gentle readers.

Be well and stay happy.


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