Monday, November 14, 2005

Another Slow Day

Another Slow Day
It was another slow day for me gentle readers. Nothing significant happened for me today.

This morning the fog was extremely thick as I set off for work. It condensed on my windshield to the point that I had to use the wipers to clear the condensate off. It was odd for this time of the year.

By mid-morning, the fog was gone and it was sunny and warm outside. I think the warmer weather increased the number of smokers and cell phone talkers in the building courtyard.

When I left to go home tonight, the fog was swirling back over the land and obscuring the stars and clouds. I expect that I will be hearing the local small boat harbor fog horn when I wake up in the morning.

Nice Guy Chuck
Doug has been working on two papers for two of his classes. He asked me to take a look at them. For the most part, they were in very good shape. I only made few minor changes like replacing words when the wrong word was spelled correctly, a fatal Word spell check program failure.

I also went over the punctuation. Doug sometimes leaves the opening or closing comma of a phrase out. I cleaned that up quickly.

The biggest challenge I had was with his paper for his American Pop Culture class. It was a joint effort so it was difficult to follow two different writing styles. I think I got that integrated well but I could be wrong. I suggested that Doug and his partner Jennifer try an approach to the organization of their paper because the one they were working on confusing.

Anyway, I felt good about being able to offer some help to him.

That was my day gentle readers, Dull, wasn’t it now? I hope your day was better or at least more interesting than mine.

Be well and stay happy.


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