Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Another Sunny Day

Another Sunny Day
It was another sunny day in Southern California today. I took advantage of the nice weather by going out on my balcony and reading. I also enjoyed a cigar while I was reading.

This was a very nice way to spend part of my afternoon.

The Laptop
I talked with the IT guys this morning about the Lenovo laptop I had researched yesterday. They think it is a good machine and only suggested that I spend an extra $20 for an additional year on the warranty service.

One of the IT guys asked why I wasn’t getting any software with the laptop.

I said that my current version of Office would be fine for a bunch of years to come. My Office XP edition has Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Access. I also have Project 2003 and Publisher 2003. There are not going to be any breakthroughs in any of these programs in the intermediate term so there is no need to spend any money on software for now.

Coz Classes and Tats, again
I learned something new today about the cosmetics classes that go on in the building. One of the women in the office said the ones in the lab coats probably worked for Clinque and the other probably worked for Estee Lauder.

That just goes to show how I know about women’s cosmetics. The explanation does make sense so I will accept it.

Today was an Estee Lauder day I think.

This would explain why I saw one young woman, who looked otherwise very attractive, with a ghastly green, red, and blue tattoo covering her arm from her shoulder to her wrist; a lab coat would have concealed the tat. The tat was one of those New Age designs that are supposed to mean something or another.

I also saw another woman with an arm tat while I was driving in the client’s office today. This tat only was on her forearm. Still, it was there in all of its vibrant color and glory for all of the world to see.

I wish I knew why tats are so popular with young women.

Of course, I could just be seeing an exceptional concentration of tats because the cosmetics industry is more concerned about looking and being trendy and, right now, tats are trendy or so it would seem.

Tats, after all, are for the most part rather permanent. Yes, I do know that they can be removed in most cases with several laser treatments. The removals or the ones I have seen are effective to a point but they have left a discoloration on the skin that resembles a scar.

So the removal process is not perfected which brought me to my next thought point. I was thinking because I was stopped for a traffic signal and wasn’t going anywhere until the signal changed.

What happens if tats suddenly become very unfashionable? Some in medical profession will see a surge in their out-patient tat removal business practice.

It made me shudder frankly.

Be well and stay happy.


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