Tuesday, April 25, 2006

New Day Dawned Bright

New Day Dawned Bright
The new day, that would be today, dawned bright and shinning for me except for the low clouds and fog from last night and the storm that is approaching my hometown this afternoon. Since I live at the beach, I have to expect late night and early morning low clouds and patchy fog along the coast. This is often referred to as May – June gloom.

Sharon called me last night after I put the blog posting up for you. I was on my way to bed when she called so I decided to forego another posting in the blog. Sleep, after all, is its own reward. We had not spoken in two weeks so her call was a surprise to me.

I am not certain if a surprise phone call from a younger woman is a good thing or not. If she was calling to say, “I’m pregnant and you’re the father,” I would say that was not a very good surprise phone call. If on the other hand, she is calling to say, “I’ve got some tickets to the Angels game this Saturday. Do you and Doug want to join me?” then that would be a very good surprise for us.

Sharon wanted to talk to me about a couple of small business venture ideas that she had. One was a business that sold desserts to diabetics. Since I have a mild form of the disease, I felt that was an excellent idea. There was no likelihood of the product demand going away any time soon. Diabetics, like normal people, tend to love desserts. It is a low technology, non-trendy, non-seasonal business. Well, you could have red and green decorations on the cookies at the holiday season I suppose.

The other business was an Internet based dating – introduction service where a group of people would meet for a dinner; pay a fixed price for the meal; and then socialize in the hopes of finding Mr. Right or Ms Right. I pointed out that this idea is being down already to a degree by someone else. It is trendy and thus subject to changing demands of the target market, young people.

I said I liked the dessert business best since it dealt with basic ingredients and provided a value added service that was not trendy, seasonal, or have any significant changes in the potential demand for the product.

Sharon will probably ignore my recommendation.

I also nagged Sharon about not replying to a job lead that I had sent her a week and a half ago. The job was a good one and one that she could excel at.

Baby Shower at the Old Office
I got a phone call from one of the happy merry workers at my old office this morning.

In between bites of her brownies, she wanted to thank me for thinking of her and the rest of the women who worked in the office with the brownies for Office Professionals Day.

Evelyn also wanted to invite me to a baby shower at the office on Friday. One of the vice president’s wives is having twins soon. She is a small woman so I can imagine how difficult it must be for her to carry them. On the plus side, you get everything over with one longer term; one set of babies that can’t sleep through the night, one set of babies that are teething, and one set of babies that are in potty training.

I think twins are an easy way out if you are the father.

I suppose that it would make going to work almost a joy and the much lower noise level of the office would be pleasant after an evening with the twins.

Evelyn was going to send me some information on where they are registered. I didn’t know that one registered for babies these days. Weddings, of course, you register for those events. In any event, I can always go to Babies R Us and be able to find a bunch of things that babies will need.

A case of diapers is always needed but that is hard to wrap plus some of the women in the office would get upset with me for being thoughtless and having a limited imagination. I like to think of that as being practical actually. I know I used to go out after dinner to pick up a case of diapers when the Princess and Doug were babies.

More Bad Tats
I know I have not been out on my bad tats soap box lately. This is probably because I have lacked inspiration.

Today, I found some inspiration. It was coz class again so that always brings out the human canvases.

I saw one young woman walk into the building this morning. I was working so I only caught a glimpse of her as she entered the building. She had a picture based tattoo on her back. It went from her spine around to her side and on around towards her stomach. She also had a small tat on her foot, which, by itself, was not objectionable by my standards.

The young woman came out for a smoke break later on in the day. When she stood facing my office and when she was moving about, I could see that the drawing tat looked as if it went from the middle of her back around to across her stomach and ended up on the opposite hip. It was either that or a whole new tat that started somewhere and ended up on her other hip. I suppose since this was a drawing and not extensive design and coloration that it might have been marginally acceptable.

I was willing to give her a pass today until I saw that she had a large ring pierced in the middle of her lower lip.

The lip ring lost it for me; all I could think of was how her boy friend would ever kiss her, assuming that was what he wanted to do. I gave up and went home.

Be well and stay happy gentle readers.


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