Monday, November 20, 2006

Did I Miss The Winter?

Did I Miss The Winter?
That’s an excellent question and one that begs a good answer.

It was something like 84F / 29C here at the beach today. That’s shorts and golf shirt weather. Hardly Winter by any measure. Just so you don’t get upset, it will cool off for the weekend and drop to a chilly 72F / 22C on Thanksgiving Day and maybe a bit cooler by the weekend.

I hope I can find my Winter jammies when it does get cold or really cool around here.

The Princess
I got an email from the Princess today.

She was very happy because her new job is going to make it possible so she can spend more time in Southern California over Christmas. She was even happier when she dropped her resignation letter off on her boss’ desk this morning. I suppose with this short of a notice that the good bye party may be a bit thin. No trouble, she has three more days in Southern California to celebrate.

I realized there was another benefit to having her boy friend come home with her. He’s big and strong and can help with the bags at the airport.


Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman died last week at the age of 86.

Friedman was a giant in modern economic theory. He influenced a generation of central bank leaders like Paul Volker and politicians like Ronald Reagan and Lady Margaret Thatcher who called Friedman “an intellectual freedom fighter.”

He was the leading proponent of monetarism which holds that inflation can best be controlled by limiting the rate of the money supply. Unfortunately, many people have drifted away from his philosophy and embraced a targeting of interest rates to control inflation.

Personally, I believe that the control of the money supply provides a discipline to the economy of an individual or a nation. If the supply of money is limited, then the individual or nation must make hard choices like having our national government operate on a balanced budget and paying down the national debt. Cutting taxes and operating on deficit financing is a recipe for economic disaster.

What happens when foreign countries no longer want to hold dollars?

Short answer: it gets very bad for everyone.

Morton’s – Part II
This is basically a photo food section of our dinner.

I had an iceberg lettuce salad with tomatos,bacon, and a diced egg. Doug had his usual sliced tomato and red onion salad. They were both very good.

Doug went with the rib eye steak and a lobster tail. I exercised restraint and had a small filet with a baked potato.

We both had the Godiva hot fudge chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream.

I had a glass of single malt Scot’s whisky because my doctor says it is good for me. I’ve never asked him why it is good for me; I just have my nightly drink and enjoy it.

Woman of the Moment
These photos of Joyce Lex came from Speed Options for the most part.

Be well and stay happy.


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