Thursday, November 09, 2006

Weekend Preview - November 9th

Weekend Preview
Well, the weekend is here and it is supposed to be Fall in Southern California. It is difficult for me to get in the Fall mood when I’m going to be running around this weekend in my shorts.

Doug and I had another follow up conversation to the last paper I edited for him. I had thought I sent him a copy with my changes in it but I guess that I didn’t because he didn’t have it.

I guess I must be getting old now.

We also talked about the upcoming Morton’s event. I told him we were set for next Saturday at 7:00 PM and that I had asked for either Amy or Lily if one of them happens to be working that night to be our server.

I told him that I was going to ask my friend Sharon to join us for dinner. Doug thought that was a good idea since you can never have too many hot Asian chicks around. I said that just because I ask Sharon doesn’t mean she’ll lend up having dinner with us.


So we will see if she decides to join us or not.

Vivian’s Man of the Moment
This week, Vivian picked Steven Tyler for her Man of the Moment. She saw the film BOBBY and wanted to pick him for the Man of the Moment but decided instead to go with someone who is alive. That seems like a rational criterion to me.

Vivian said she loved the film and would recommend it to all. She said it was a great film. I suppose some on the extreme right might disagree with that assessment.

Woman of the Moment
These Joyce Lex photos are a combination of her Speed Options feature and various web sites, primarily Pure Hot Models. I learned something else that I thought was fascinating about Joyce Lex when I was looking for the photos of Vivian’s Man of the Moment. I learned on one web site that Joyce Lex weighs 100 pounds / 45 kilos or that she did when the information was collected for the web site.

Sharon called me last night and we talked for about an hour on product pricing.

Product pricing is one of the most important tasks that a marketer can handle. If you make a wrong decision, the company can lose money and that is very bad and can cause a premature end to the marketer’s otherwise promising career with the company. It is tricky at best.

I have done product pricing in financial institutions before and I always made the decision after I tested multiple pricing options with our financial modeling software. Unfortunately for Sharon, her company doesn’t use any modeling software so she can’t model the decisions in the abstract world.

Then, her boss had some sketchy ideas about short term interest rates that seemed to be based on a gut feeling. Or, maybe that was a hold over from lunch at the local fast food place.

Short term interest rates tend to be the driving force for financial institution pricing decisions because those rates affect deposits and loans. If you make a wrong guess here, it can be fatal.

Anyway, Sharon and I talked for close to an hour when you count all of the calls together.

I gave her some ideas and suggestions on how to go forward. I didn’t like one idea that would reward new customers and that would alienate existing customers of the bank. The idea, in the abstract, made a certain element of sense but I think it would have caused more harm and than good in both the short run and the long run.

I expect that we’ll have a few more conversations on the product pricing question before she submits a pricing recommendation to the Board of Directors.

Open Items
I’m not sure if I will go to the cinema this weekend or not. I think that Doug would say the only films worth watching are THE DEPARTED and BORAT. There are probably a few more like Vivian’s BOBBY and THE LAST KING OF SCOTLAND. Vivian has an eclectic taste in films.

There is the Dissertation to work on this weekend.

My books for jury duty should arrive today or tomorrow so I will not be bored while I sit and wait to be called.

I could get the Prelude and Pathfinder washed over the weekend. It’s been a while since they had a clean exterior.

Then, of course, there’s El Gringo on Sunday for lunch – dinner with Whitney the server.

Have a good weekend gentle readers.

Be well and stay happy.


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