Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tuesday's a Good Day

Tuesday’s a Good Day
Tuesday has been a good day for me. Obviously, I would prefer to have a great day but a good day is very worthwhile. It was warm and mostly clear here so that was nice. I got away with wearing shorts this afternoon.

My new water heater is a week old and it is performing just fine.

The place is dry and the smell is gone. The wet – dry vacuum has been put away.

Sharon is immersing herself in her new job and hasn’t called me so far this week. I will give her a call her tomorrow and see how this week has gone for her.

My new modem is working just fine and I can connect to the Internet very well.

I added up all of the rebates from my computer purchases yesterday. I spent USD$110.00 on software and I have USD$50.00 in rebates to mail in tomorrow. It almost pays me to buy software.

The last time I bought some software I spent USD$80.00 and received USD$70.00 in rebates.

Very nice for me.

The Princess
I got an email from the Princess that announced her scheduled trip home at Christmas.

She must have been checking the low fares on Delta because she said she had booked the flights. It looks like I won’t have to pick her up at the airport around 11:00 PM but I can pick her up the next morning at an airport hotel and then take her to lunch at the L.A. Food Show.

We both love going there.

The Princess said she was bringing her current friend who is male with her to California. I suppose I could call him the boy friend but I will refrain because she hasn’t called him that yet, at least not to me. I suppose that she will introduce him as that some time soon.

Thanksgiving Dinner
I went to the market today and finished up my Thanksgiving Dinner food shopping with the exception of one of our family’s traditional desserts and maybe some rolls.

I have to pick up a Mince Pie. Doug and his mother love pumpkin pies and the Princess prefers White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory. Personally, I like a nicely chilled mince pie but that is me. This is probably because I grew up in the East and my parents were from the East as well. As a family, we grew up with and adopted a philosophy of freedom of choice for desserts.

Job Searching and Interviewing
I had a preliminary job interview with a large California bank this morning. The position is in their Credit Review Department.

Credit Review is the process of insuring that all of the loans in the bank’s portfolio were properly made. It is one of those necessary jobs in banking that you have to do because it is good for the bank.

Sort of like seeing your dentist twice a year.

The bulk of the work is in Los Angeles and Orange Counties so I am just looking at more miles on the Prelude. There would be a chance to some limited travel into the surrounding states. I hope that doesn’t include Arizona in the Summer where it can easily be 110F – 43C.

I’m not sure how long the search process will take. I interviewed with the team leader today and he said that I, if I am a selected candidate, might have to interview with his boss and his boss’ boss and maybe his boss’ boss’ boss.

That’s pile of management to wade through.

Woman of the Moment
Time for another edition of Woman of the Moment. I don’t see anymore four photo blog postings in the future.

Be well and stay happy gentle readers.


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