Sunday, December 17, 2006

Weekend Update - December 17th

Weekend Update
We had something that was close to Winter weather here in Southern California on Saturday and then on into Sunday. We had some rain; not a lot of rain, mind you. It was enough rain to make the Pathfinder look really ugly.

Our local mountains got about a foot / thirty centimeters of snow. The snow boarders and skiers loved that snowfall. The swells were up and running at five to seven feet / one and a half to two meters. That is great surfing.

I should get it washed but why take a chance on more rain happening.

My Friend Vivian

Vivian and I were going to have lunch today at our favorite restaurant, L.A. Food Show in Manhattan Beach.

I would have shared an order of the eggrolls with Vivian and had a large salad for lunch. I’m pretty certain Vivian would have had a sushi appetizer and possibly bar-be-qued ribs for lunch. I know we would have split the molten chocolate cake for dessert.

Unfortunately for both of us, Vivian got really sick last week. I found out when she emailed on Friday after she got out of the hospital after suffering from a nasty bout of food poisoning or stomach flu or something else that was just as evil. Vivian was on a semi liquid diet then and didn’t feel very confident that she would be up to eating solid food by today. She suggested that we have dinner one night next week.

I said any day next week was fine except for Tuesday when I pick up the Princess and the boy friend at the airport.

I am an optimist by nature. I try to find a positive result in every event.

When I replied to Vivian about having dinner next week, I said that she could always look at the bright side of her recent illness. Now, she won’t have too much trouble fitting into her slinky New Year’s Eve outfit.

Woman of the Moment
These are the last of the Oksana Mazurovsky photos. I hope you enjoyed her photos.

Sunisa Kim
I know a number of you are Sunisa Kim fans. I would like to mention that she has revised and launched a new web site. It can be found at The web site is still being completed and it did have an outrageously long load time over my high speed connection. This could have been a result of high traffic volume or a slow server.

One of these days, I’m going to have Doug show me how to setup slick links to web sites so I don’t have to type in the complete URL like I did here.

This was another good week for foreign visitors to the blog. We had visitors from Japan [10], Canada [8], Spain [2], Malaysia, India [2], Ukraine, Singapore [2], China, Germany [3], United Kingdom [6], Australia, Thailand, Poland [3], Argentina, Italy, Iran, Burkina Faso, Switzerland, France, Bolivia [2], Taiwan, Hungary, Hong Kong, and Mexico.

This was the first visit from anyone from Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso is a land locked, West African nation that was a former French territory.

We had a couple of curious visitors this week. We had one visitor stop by for 18 minutes; another for 15 minutes; and a third for 11 minutes.

We only had one looker last week who viewed nine pages in nine minutes.

I do appreciate all of the visitors to the blog.

Doug arrived on time on Friday to help me move some old furniture out of the flat.

We carried an old bookcase out. It was easier than I thought it would be for us. After we removed the old bookcase, we decided to go looking for a new bookcase that was smaller than the seven foot one we carried out. We managed to go to two furniture stores and didn’t find anything that caught my attention.

By then, it was lunchtime.

We headed to Giuliano’s for sandwiches. I had a small submarine sandwich and Doug had a hot pastrami sandwich. We split a bag of Kettle Chips. Doug picked the honey Dijon flavor and it was rather good. It was salty as it should be. I think this was the first time in a long time for me to have a salty snack like potato chips.

El Gringo
I went to El Gringo for my dinner today. I had thought about going there on Saturday for dinner as well but decided to cook some fish at home instead.

Jess was the server tonight, filling in for Whitney who was in New York City. I really like Jess as a server because she remembers me which is really nice for me. She knew that I would drink an Arnold Palmer and brought it to my table without having to ask for it.

An Arnold Palmer is a mixture of half iced tea and half lemonade. It is a very refreshing drink. I am always amazed that the drink is served with a lemon slice. Why do you need a lemon slice when the drink is half lemonade?

I had a Number Two Combination with soft chicken tacos, rice, and beans. It was a rewarding and filling meal.

I did notice that I need to get organized for next weekend and the following one. El Gringo will close at 4:00 PM on the next two Sundays. I think I will make it to El Gringo on Saturday nights instead since both Whitney and Jess should be there. I can go to El Gringo all day on New Year’s Day.

The Armed Forced Bowl with Utah and Tulsa will be on television next Saturday. I obviously need to be able to watch that game and cheer our Utes on to victory, assuming the good Utah football team shows up for the game.

That was my weekend gentle readers. I hope you had an enjoyable one as well.

Be well and stay happy.


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