Monday, March 12, 2007

My Amber Alert or A Study in Contrasts

My Amber Alert or A Study in Contrasts
Amber and I went to see 300 on Sunday afternoon. We were particularly lucky and were able to see the film with a digital projection on a really big screen. If you haven’t seen the film and you are planning to see it, by all means try to see on a digital projection. The digital projection gives the film a better graphic novel look, much like SIN CITY from 2005.

I knew 300 is a graphically violent film. I was somewhat apprehensive that the violence might be a bit too much for Amber. My fears were unnecessary.

Amber loved the film. “It’s wonderful, I really liked the violence. It was awesome!”

How can you not like a woman who enjoys going to see a film like this?

Then, we went to dinner.

The cinema was in one of destination open air malls. This was the first time that I had been to this mall. I found out that it must have had a dozen sit down eating establishments from looking at the map at the edge of the parking lot.

We ended up at Islands. Islands, for those of you who are not from Southern California, is a Hawaiian themed, sit down hamburger restaurant chain. We went here because it was the first restaurant that we came too after leaving the theater. I could see two other places across the parking lot and they both had long lines. There was not too much of a line at Islands.

I asked Amber if Islands would work for her. She said yes so we went in. We only had about a ten minute wait before we were seated at our table.

We spent about three hours on dinner. This was not a reflection on the service levels at Islands. We were not in any rush and it was another chance to share things about each of us.

This is where the study in contrasts comes into play.

I am very organized and plan well in advance. Amber is more spontaneous and unpredictable.

I am terminally punctual. Amber often runs late or much later.

I like neatness and order in my life and my surroundings. Amber said that this was not something that she was good at yet.

But, Amber is still a great woman.


Because she likes a cold beer or two with her cheeseburger and fries. Amber also put ketchup on her French fries just like I do. I had a beer as well.

We split an order of fries. You have to at Islands. The fries come in a basket. The portion is sufficient for four people with good appetites. I think we managed to put a dent in the fries but not that much; maybe we consumed a quarter of the basket.

Doug and I have gone to Islands before and we have struggled to finish the fries and we could not.

Amber had an American cheese cheeseburger. I had a Swiss cheese cheeseburger. Amber asked to have her burger cooked Well Done.


I had a great time with Amber. We are planning to do something, without any time constraints, on the weekend of March 24th and 25th. Next weekend, I am spending my time on the dissertation project.

The weather was nice over the weekend. I wore shorts all weekend long. The warmer weather carried over into Monday. I think things will cool off a bit towards the end of the week.

For some unknown reason, I was really happy that Amber wore sandals on Sunday. She likes to wear high heeled shoes normally.

In case you haven’t figured things out, that is Amber in the photo at the start of this section.

Site Meter
It looks like Site Meter is making slow progress at fixing the visitor traffic to the blog.

I am guessing that they had a problem with the server that holds my blog traffic information. When I checked this afternoon, the traffic count had been increased by only eight and these entries were for March 6th. I expect that it will take some time to complete the entire data restoration.

I drove to school with the expectation of teaching a class this morning. I was disappointed. My Monday morning class was cancelled. I don’t know why it was cancelled but I am guessing that it was cancelled for low enrollment.

I can understand cancelling a class for that reason. But, what really bums me out is this class was the only one that I was happy with and one that I was looking forward to teaching. Now, I am stuck teaching two Accounting classes and a Microeconomics class

This must be more of the bad karma from my past lives catching up with me.

Woman of the Moment
We can always end on a positive note with the Woman of the Moment. I hope Vivian Hsu cheers you up.

Be well and stay happy.


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