Monday, January 21, 2008

Recovery Part 11 - Weekend Update January 21st

Recovery Part 11
Doug went with me to see the oncologist on Friday. As usual, I saw a new resident oncologist, Dr. Donna Varella, MD. We liked her best of all of the oncology residents we have seen. Unlike her two predecessors, Dr. Varella wore surgery scrubs, those baggy green or blue uniforms that never fit properly, for the session. Doug thought the scrubs made her appear more relaxed and casual, much less formal than the two other women. Dr. Varella was definitely more at ease with me than the others

I think it was just logical to wear scrubs. Patients expect to see doctors in surgery scrubs; we have been conditioned from watching all of those television medical programs from Young Dr. Kildare to ER to Grey’s Anatomy. Besides being very logical, it certainly must be very easy to dress for work since you aren’t matching anything.

As I think about it, I should have asked Doug to take her photo so we could include in the blog posting.

In addition to seeing Dr. Varella, I had to take a CT scan. Taking the scan itself was not too much of any trouble. The real trouble came from the three glasses of dye or coloring agent that I had to drink before the scan. They did not taste well at all. Doug thought it smelled like glue or paste. I suppose the liquid is an acquired taste; much like my love for single malt Scotch whiskey, not everyone likes single malt Scotch whiskey.

Dr. Varella went over the most recent series of tests; all of the results were where they should be. She was pleased with my limited progress with the chemotherapy treatment, especially since I had no adverse effects from the medicine. It seems many patients do get rather ill from the drug. I guess I am very lucky.

Being overly sensitive to cold is certainly no fun for me.

I am going back to the clinic in a couple of weeks, after my second chemotherapy drug infusion, for another review of the medication and the CT scan results. I hope I get to see Dr. Varella but it is more likely that I will see someone else.

Doug won the bet on how long it would take Dr. Varella to ask to see my scar from the October 15th surgery. Our side discussion was confusing to her so Doug explained what we were betting on. As far as I can tell, it is completely healed; the surgeon, Dr. Takahashi, said so. Dr. Varella said she wanted to check for any infection since the therapy reduces my ability to fight off disease.

Uh huh; that sounded nice but I think I would have noticed if something was amiss. I do look at the scar every day; actually, I look at it several times a day.

Coldstone Creamery – Open Season on Ice Cream
Doug and I went to the Coldstone Creamery on Saturday. It was Open Season and I was late. In spite of being late, I still bagged my quota of yummy rich coffee and chocolate ice cream.

Coldstone Creamery has a unique way of serving ice cream. They let you pick your flavor choices, of course, and then you can add topping to the ice cream. I chose chocolate and caramel sauces and chocolate chips. They then mix everything together on a cold marble slab, spoon the mixture into a cup, and then you consume and enjoy your ice cream.

Time to taste how good the ice cream is.



It's all gone.

Weekend Update
Doug and I went to see CLOVERFIELD on Sunday. This was the second time for Doug. I had sent Amber the Stylist an email, inviting her to go see the film with me on Monday. Since I hadn’t heard from her by mid-day on Sunday, we went to the local multiplex.

I won’t bore you with a lengthy review since I hated the film. Perhaps hated is too strong a term; that will not change the fact that I did not like the film. I ended up rooting for the monster; just like the film critic from the New York Times.

The film is a good “B” movie, Saturday afternoon thriller. That is all that it is in my mind. Doug thought it was an “ok” film. He went with me because I paid for the tickets and because he was not interested in the American professional football on the television.

I felt the characters were all pretentious, incredibly annoying, New York yuppies. They seemed to be so self concerned with themselves. Most of the male actors seemed to be styled as one of many metrosexuals.

Where was this film’s version of Dr. Miyazawa?

The dialogue sounded as if it had been written by a second year film studies major. I was particularly offended by the excessive use an overly trite and clichéd dialogue. I had just ranted about not using this type of vocabulary in my Saturday morning writing class.

I guess the one thing that really bothered me was the male actors were all going around with pathetic beard stubble on their faces. Does this make them look more masculine? Of course not, it makes them only look pathetic masculine wannabes.

Men who have served with the Forces that defend our great nation do not need to go around, unshaven, to prove their masculinity. All you need to do is look at the next United States Marine Corps television advertisement, preferably with the Corps’ Silent Drill Team in it. Those are real men.

Doug went home behind the Orange Curtain after the film and I went back to my flat.

I went to the South Redondo Beach California Pizza Kitchen for a small pizza and large salad to go for dinner. I had a USD$3.00 off coupon that expired on Sunday. I didn’t want to lose the coupon benefit.

After dinner on Sunday, I watched my Korean historical drama. It was Episode 132. I think this was the end of the second act; it was a long second act. I think the program ought to end around Episode 150 or so since the third act will be the wrap up and historical conclusion.

I also thought it would end around Episode 100 so I can be very wrong about when the final fade to black will occur.

I was out running some errands this morning. I do that on Mondays. This is not unusual.

I did notice that a Pinkberry store will open in Hermosa Beach in the next month or so. I have never been to a Pinkberry store and I do no plan to visit the one in Hermosa Beach or any other store. Pinkberry sells a form of iced yogurt or something like that.

Why would I choose iced yogurt when I can have Coldstone Creamery rich ice cream instead?

I did notice a gelato and hand made ice cream store in Manhattan Beach. I know this store has been open for a while. The location has taken a number of fast food images over the years. I think I may have gone to the location, when I lived in Manhattan Beach, for Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Wednesday is looking like an excellent day for me to visit the gelato and hand made ice cream store and bag my daily limit for rich ice cream. I am doing this because Dr. Varella does not want to lose much more weight.

We had another good week for visitors from outside of the United States of America. We had visitors from Australia [3], Vietnam, Bulgaria [4], Armenia, Finland [2], Ecuador [2], Canada [10], Costa Rica, Japan [8], Norway, Poland [2], Brazil, Venezuela [2], Texas [4], Germany [4], Portugal, Switzerland, Italy [2], Russia, Mexico [2], Hungary, United Kingdom [3], Israel, France [7], United Arab Emirates, Chile, Malaysia, Ireland, Korea [2], Belgium, Singapore [2], Indonesia, Taiwan, New Zealand, Guatemala, Iran, Netherlands [2], and Colombia.

We also had a few visitors come and stay for a while; probably to read some great writing on my part or maybe no. We had one visitor stay for 27 minutes, one for 16, one for 15, one for 13, and two for 10 minutes.

I do appreciate all of you who took time from your otherwise busy days to visit the blog, even if was only for your favorite set of the Woman of the Moment photos.

Women of the Moment Encore
The Women of the Moment Encore determination will be made at the end of the month as I had previously written. So far, the contest has been one for fourth place between Sharon Tay and KT So. The front runners, Eiko Koike, Sunisa Kim and Aiko Tanaka, have remained constant with only daily changes of position within the top three.

I suppose that this Encore may not please everyone; that is one reason why we have contests like this, to determine popularity. Those of you that send me nasty and unfriendly emails will receive a Yellow Card.

I reserve the right to award Red Cards for flagrant bad grammar and spelling in your emails. I do teach a class in Composition after all this term.

That was my holiday weekend; I hope you had a great weekend.

Be well and stay happy.


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