Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm Back

I’m Back
Yes, I’m back to pounding out another blog posting. I don’t think that you missed very much while I was away.

Well, you did miss two Woman of the Moment Encore postings of Faline Song.

Monday was a holiday here in the United States so I just sort of loafed around and didn’t do very much. A book that I had ordered from Barnes & Noble arrived. That was good because it is a history book and therefore a naturally slow reading project. It will be perfect for the Friday infusion session and dressing change at the oncology clinic.

On Tuesday, I went to school for the regular class session. On balance, it was a good class. I had good attendance because I went over the final examination. Hopefully, the students will have benefited from the review and focus their review and study sessions.

I stayed at school after class because I went to the quarterly in-service session. This is a school sponsored program to help make us better teachers. I’m not certain that the program will help us since it is based on an unproven concept. The program assumes that we are teaching adults. All well and good except that many of my students are not adults. Chronologically, the students are adults but emotionally and intellectually they are still minors.

All almost of my students can not arrive at class on time for example. I wonder how their future employer will react to their inability to arrive at work on time. I know how I would solve the attendance or tardiness issue. I would simply terminate the employees and find ones who wanted to come to work on time. The terminated employees would also make excellent examples of how not to behave.

I tried a new recipe for chicken last night. It turned out rather nicely and it was easy to create. I will probably add it to my cooking cycle.

The weather has turned crummy. It rained off and on yesterday. It was raining this morning when I got up and this pattern of off an on rainfall continued for most of the day. I am certainly glad I did not wash my car. It was very windy when I drove home from school tonight. The Pathfinder was bouncing around as a result of cross winds. Fortunately, traffic was heavy so I couldn’t go very fast; the likelihood of loss of control was minimal for me.

I phoned the Princess to wish her a safe trip to Seattle. She starts out on Thursday and plans to take a week or so to arrive. We got to talking about the 15th Annual Douglas Reinhardt Birthday Dinner at Morton’s, an event formerly know as Douguary 2008. The Princess said that we should invite Sara the Bridesmaid because Sara likes parties, loves to eat fine red beef, and is a generally very fun person.

I sent Sara an email invitation. Doug and I hope that she will accept. If Sara declines, then there will be a little more elbow room at the table.


I got my final teaching schedule for the next quarter today. I was disappointed that I am only teaching three classes instead of the four that were in the original plan. I am still teaching Microeconomics, a class that I have taught before. I have two new courses; one is an advanced writing course that does not excite me. The other new course is a course on public speaking and how to create and present a PowerPoint presentation.

Faline Song
I will add a few additional Faline Song images to compensate for missing two days of postings.

Be well and stay happy.


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