Monday, February 11, 2008

Not Too Much To Say

Not too much to say
Today was an odd day. It started off odd as soon as I turned the television on to the local news show at 6:10 AM. I indulged myself this morning since I wasn’t going anywhere until after my doctor’s appointment at 9:00.

For some unknown reason, the two news readers kept referring to today as Presidents Day, a national holiday. That’s great except that today wasn’t Presidents Day. It is next Monday.

I’m not saying that the news readers are lightweights or rather dull or dim witted. I guess their brains were still not engaged when they were on the air.

I knew it wasn’t Presidents Day because I didn’t see any advertisements for Presidents Day sales in the newspaper. I did see a lot of advertisements for St. Valentine’s Day sales; but that was to be expected I guess.

I wonder how many people skipped work because of what the news readers said. It would be fascinating to know that fact.

We used to celebrate George Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s birthday when I was in school. Their birthdays were in February. Some years, they fell on a Monday of Friday and that was epic because it meant I had a three day weekend. Some years, the holidays fell in the middle of the week

A while ago, our Congress passed a law that combined the observation of the Washington and Lincoln birthdays as well as recognizing the other presidents to be the third Monday in February.

I went to see my doctor for my annual checkup. For the most part, it went well for me. He didn’t nag me to lose weight. I did that after the operation. I told him that I quit smoking so I was off the hook there. My left arm is beginning to feel like a pin cushion since that is where the medical assistants go to draw blood for the blood tests. I won’t know how I am until my doctor gets the lab tests back; that ought to take a couple of weeks. My doctor talked to me about a future operation to reconnect my colon and remove the colostomy bag. That certainly would be sweet for me.

While I am waiting, I will be seeing the oncology residents on Friday. I am seeing more medical professionals now than I have in my entire life.

Faline Song
I ran out of things to say. Besides, one picture is worth a thousand words so then, three images of Faline Song ought to be worth three thousand words and that would be a ginormous blog posting.

Be well and stay happy.


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