Thursday, February 14, 2008

End of the Week

Happy St. Valentine’s Day
Since I do not have a friend who is a girl or woman or girl friend, I will be spending tonight at home alone. It is not so bad, being alone. I know for sure and certain that I won't make a bad decision on a gift for her.

End of the Week
It is the end of the week for the purposes of me spending time writing a blog entry or fishing around for images to post on the blog. This is going to a single topic set of comments.

I talked to the Associate Dean today about my classes. There was a slight chance to accommodate my chemotherapy on Fridays. That was considerate of the school. I will still be teaching four classes; Group Dynamics on Monday evenings, Microeconomics on Wednesday afternoon, and Professional Presentations [PowerPoint’s and Public Speaking] and Portfolio Development [How to find a good job], both on Saturday.

Group Dynamics and Professional Presentations are new courses for me. They ought to be fun to teach plus they are unlikely to have a final examination. Going forward, I will only have two courses to create lesson plans for.

I stopped at the oncology clinic on my way home from school today; the clinic is just slightly out of my way, to get my dressing changed. The nurses all said that I looked very handsome in my brown suit. That made me feel really good; the suit is eleven years old and it is still in great shape. I keep hoping it will finally wear out so I can justify buying a new suit from my tailor in Hong Kong.

Dinner was at El Gringo as usual. Merit was there and gave me a big hello. It’s so nice to be welcomed in a genuine, warm manner.

I decided to have something different for dinner tonight. I had a Zacatecas salad. It is a big bowl of lettuce, black beans, onions, a couple of kinds of cheese, tomatos, multi-colored taco chips, and pollo asada. Pollo asada is spicy chopped chicken; really very good and on the hot side. It was more than I could finish off so I ended up taking about a quarter of it home. I think I will be having salad with my Giuliano’s sandwich tomorrow night.

Doug and I decided to put off our trip to Glacier Gelato until tomorrow. It was too cool today to think about gelato.

Faline Song
We have to include some Faline Song images as part of the end of the week blog. To pass on Faline would be so wrong.

Be well and stay happy.


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