Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The New Classes

The New Classes
I started up with the new term at school on Monday. So far, my classes seem like they will be good for me. I think I am going to have about 85 or 90 students in all of my classes.

My Tuesday morning Group Dynamics class looks like it will be the most interesting and probably the most fun for me to teach. Most of the students know each other and have been in classes before so there is a lot of participation so far.

Since the class is about Group Dynamics, I broke the class into two groups; six students didn’t make it to class so they will be split up next week. I encouraged the groups to select names for their group. One group composed of three women and a man picked a name of Three Hens and a Cock.

That was so not what I had in mind.

Not by a very, very long shot.

One of the students called her department chair to thank her for getting a good instructor that would be me for the class. That has never happened to me before.

My writing clinic project idea seems to be moving along towards approval. My department chair is very supportive of the idea. The Associate Dean for General Studies is also supportive of the idea and he recognizes the need for the program. I am going to meet with my chair tomorrow and give him a formal proposal and program outline. Then, I will have to wait to see if the administration and school director buy off on the concept and my approach to it.

Printer Shopping
I went printer shopping this afternoon. I was amazed at how low the prices were for black only laser printers. I saw one for less than USD$100. I thought about buying it but changed my mind because I wanted to be able to print in color.
I ended up with a Lexmark printer that only does printing, copying, and scanning. Hopefully, this printer will last for me and that it will be compatible with Windows 7 whenever it launches this year. I will set it up tomorrow after I come home from school.

Be well and stay happy.


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