Monday, February 16, 2009

Footnotes from the Weekend

Not Everyone Was Dry
I managed to stay dry for most of the weekend. I did get a little wet when I was out and about. Fortunately for me, the storm that had the weather news readers peeing in their pants seems to have been a bust as far as I could tell.

I did wake up in the middle of the night when the wind was blowing rather strongly through the trees that are next to my building. All I could see in the morning was a few more branches were blown to the ground. I certainly wasn’t going to get up out of a very nice warm bed to look outside in the darkness

We did a little, make that a very little, better with the blog’s visitor traffic last week. The traffic count got up to 49 which is a modest improvement.

Now would be an excellent time for a “band of brothers” speech to encourage greater viewership. Regrettably, I am not that good of a writer and I know I could not come anywhere near to close to Shakespeare’s writing.

I do appreciate you, you happy few, you band of readers that come to the blog and take time from your days.

Footnotes from the Weekend
I finally got a chance to see the Spanish language car commercials on the big screen television over the weekend. There is nothing interesting about the new or used cars in the commercials. The only reason I like to watch the commercials is because they feature young women in short skirts and low cut blouses. Some wear boots and some wear four or six inch high heeled shoes.

The two women I saw doing the commercial were representing a Nissan dealer. It is more like an infomercial since it runs for thirty minutes. I think it was an older commercial since it was sunny when it was filmed.

The sun has been a rare commodity here in Southern California lately.

I did enjoy their demonstration, if you will, of the cars’ features. I also enjoyed their ability to balance and walk on their high heeled shoes. I will probably tune in next weekend if I am at home.

I was not very active over the weekend. I did enjoy sleeping late, even after taking a nap in the afternoon. I did manage to do some marketing and two loads of laundry.

That was about all there was for my weekend. I hope your weekend was better.

Be well and stay happy.


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