Saturday, August 15, 2009


Life is full of annoyances. Mine is no different.

I came home from the market on Tuesday to find a notice on my door from the building management board. It said the building’s fire alarm system was out of compliance with the city fire codes. Apparently this is something that is serious since work had to start the next day.

Finding out the building’s fire alarm system was out of compliance was more than a minor annoyance for me. After all, my life could depend on it functioning properly in case of an emergency.

The work on Wednesday was mostly unnoticeable by me. I know there were workers in the building but I only saw them when I came home from my Wednesday morning class.

I really noticed the workers on Thursday. Thursday was the beginning of testing of the smoke sensors in all of the units. This seemed like a very good idea to me. Unfortunately, it meant the alarm in my unit was going off about every twenty minutes or so. The alarm is a very high pitched shrill piercing sound. This continued into Friday.

I was able to get all of my spaces tested so I am off the hook for any more interruptions. The testing was not completed on Friday so part of it will have to be completed early next week. The remaining testing should only take a morning to complete. I will have to put up with the alarm going off during the testing.

Of course, one morning next week would be an excellent day to go see some films like PONYO and DISTRICT 9 at the local multiplex.

I am still curious about the term “out of compliance” and what it means or meant. I also wonder how long the fire alarm system was out of compliance.

I picked up my tentative teaching schedule for the next term. Right now, I am semi-firmly slotted to teach one course. I may get to teach another course but that depends on class enrollment which is uncertain.

The class is one that I have taught before so that means I won’t have to create any new lesson plans or lecture notes. That will save me a bunch of preparation time.

Unfortunately for me or maybe it is some of the bad karma from this life and any of my prior lives that is catching up with me. The class is a large one with a projected enrollment of 39 students. The class is also on Friday night from 6:00 to 9:20 PM.

The Friday night session is both good and bad. It is bad because it is Friday night and if you are a young person in Southern California, where would you want to be on Friday night. School is not likely to make any list of the top ten places to be on Friday night.

The good part is that all 39 students are highly unlikely to show for class on every class session. In the past, when student attendance was a major instructor evaluation factor, having a Friday night class could kill your evaluation. So attendance is something that is considered but its weighting has fallen off significantly.

I won’t know about the second class until the end of next week. I can wait that long.

It is still Summer somewhere and the blog visitor count remains depressed from the first half of the year. The past week saw 158 visitors who stopped by to view 215 unique pages. I do appreciate all of you who took time from your lives to visit the blog.

Be well and stay happy.


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