Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Final food shopping for Thanksgiving

Today was Day 9 and I have still avoided the ice cream freezer chest. I only have to holdout until Thursday and I will be having a mince pie for my dinner. That will be very tasty.

Courtyard Comments and Observations
The smoker crowd was a little smaller today. Of course, this gave me the opportunity to get a better grip on who is coming out for a smoke.

I noticed one young Asian woman, don’t have a nickname for her as yet but I will find one soon, who came out four times to light up. Either she must have a bad smoking habit or her job is really stressful. I am betting that hear job is crummy. She smokes the cigarette down about half way and then snubs it out. Then, she lit up another cigarette right away and only puffed half of it before snuffing it out.

I think I will call her Ms Halfway.

Job Searching & Interviewing
I phoned the recruiter this morning. We talked about the job and I said I would like to learn more about it. The recruiter agreed with me that the job description was poor. I said that I guess I will learn more when I interview with the bank. I gave her some dates that will work for me.

The recruiter had obtained some more information about the job and forwarded it to me. Now, the job description is only ¾ vague instead of completely vague. We also talked about the job location. It is in the city of Orange in Orange County. The drive is workable for me.

I looked the location up on msn.com maps. It is easy to get too.

Doug called after he had returned some of film class equipment to school.

I told him about the job and all. He started to laugh when I told him where it was located. He said it is located in Old Orange and is close to where his best friend, The R, is moving. The R is moving into a house with three other friends; they call themselves the Bento Box Productions.

I told Doug to remind to not come asking me for money to finance a film.

We also firmed up the time he and his mother will show for dinner on Thursday.

I found out that Clinique and Estee Lauder both have offices in the building. That would tend to explain why there are so many young women in black in and about the building.

Entertainment Finance
I got a call from one of my former coworkers at the bank this morning.

I had phoned her last week to let her know I was back working and earning some money. She was very happy for me. She said I missed out on a long break for work time. I said that if I don’t work, I won’t have any money to pay for food and things like that.

She said the American Film Market went well for the bank. Some of the financed films got more sales and that is always good.

I learned the bank had passed out 1,000 share certificates to everyone who was an Assistant Vice President or higher just after I was let go. It does make sense to let me go before you hand out a gift worth around $50,000, the approximate market value of the stock. Letting me go cuts down on the cost of the benefit.

My friend wants to have lunch with me soon. I suppose I can work out a lunch trip up to Century City before the end of the year.

Final food shopping for Thanksgiving
I did my final food shopping on my way home from work. I picked up some fresh rolls, celery, and butter. Now, all I have to do is finish cleaning and then cook everything. That is a lot of work yet to do. I should get going on that now.

Be well and stay happy.


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