Wednesday, July 12, 2006


And, no, I do not mean a parking lot validation for free parking.

I feel my beliefs about how unattractive tattoos are on women were validated this morning as I drove into the office. I was listening to the Adam Corolla Show on the local radio. Please don’t ask me to explain why I was listening to the show because it is not all that good. I think my alternative choices were worse.


Corolla went off on a rant, as he is prone to do and this seems to be the mainstay of the program, about how ugly women look with tattoos and multiple piercings such as nose hoops and brow piercings. It was nice to see someone else who did not care for female body art besides me.

I am betting he will not be at the Tattoo Expo this weekend either.

I think I am more open with a piercing or may be I am just more ambivalent towards piercings. I think my more open attitude is because a piercing will close itself if left alone long enough and the metal hoop, stud, or rod is removed. I will be among the first to admit that a nose ring is unpleasant for me. I can live with a couple of piercings in an ear.

I find a belly piercing can be very attractive. I think I have a photo of the Babe of the Moment with a belly piercing and you can judge for yourself; assuming, of course, that I can post a photo tonight. [No luck on the photo uploading tonight.]

Doug mentioned to me that Blogger was going to have some maintenance work done this afternoon and he did not know how long it would be. So, if this blog is not posted until Thursday, it is not my fault.

Lunch at the Old Office Part II
Lisa gave me some miniature bundt cakes as a belated birthday present. One was a lemon one and the other was a chocolate one with chocolate icing and chocolate chips in the middle.

Surprise, surprise, I had the chocolate one last night. It was beyond yummy; it was a perfect way to end the day. I wisely took my blood sugar reading before I had the cake. If I had taken the reading after I had the cake, I think the reading would have been around 500 or some other outrageously high number.

I will have the lemon one over the weekend and have cantaloupe melon slices for the dessert after dinner for the next few days. I need to purge my system of the chocolate. But the chocolate cake was so good and delicious, I could have polished off two or three of these little chocolate calorie bombs without even blinking my eyes.

And, then, suffered the consequences of my indulgences for the next several days.

The Princess
I phoned the Princess this afternoon my time and early evening time for her because we had not spoken in a while, last week actually. I wanted to know how she was; I figured she was well since she had not called me.

She said, “Daddy, I’m on my way out.”

I suggested that I call her at lunch tomorrow and she said, “I have lunch plans for tomorrow, Daddy.”

I said that I would call at another time and the Princess said that would be good and that she could take a little break to talk to me. I think I should feel good but I am not sure.

I went to the market on my way home from work tonight. I was about out of food so I decided to stock up for a while. I think I got to the market before everyone else who shopped after work because it was not too crowded for a change. Of course, not being crowded meant there were fewer interesting people to consider wandering up and down the aisles like me.

That was my day. I hope you all had wonderful days gentle readers.

Be well and stay happy.


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