Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Reality Check

Reality Check
Today was a reality check for Verizon Online Services.

I looked up my DSL modem and software shipment this morning to see when it would arrive. I was thinking it would arrive on Friday. I was wrong; it will not arrive until Monday the 3rd. It seems that Verizon sent it to the wrong city.

Why was I not surprised?

Verizon still has an outside chance of making their July 3rd launch date but only if they can get the package from Horsham, Pennsylvania to Redondo Beach, California by Monday.

Personally, I don’t think they will make it. If I were a betting man, I might want to bet against Verizon. But, I don’t gamble anymore; I don’t gamble at all except maybe a few bucks on the office Super Bowl pool or the World Series pool. Oh yeah, I also toss a few bucks into the lottery pot every now and then when the jackpot gets large enough to make the payout interesting for me.

Job Searching and Interviewing
The recruiter for the company where I have been working called me to say that I was not a finalist for the president’s position. She explained, in general terms, what the Selection Committee was looking for and how the other candidates came closer to what the Committee thought it wanted.

I didn’t want to argue with her about the selection; there was nothing to be done. Personally, I think the Committee said a lot of things to make themselves feel good and, in the end, will not be happy with their choices.

But, only time will know who was correct here.

My friend Sharon phoned me to complain about a job she had interviewed for with a bank. She was not interested in the job the bank wanted to hire her for. That made her unhappy. I think Sharon was more upset at me not making it to the finalist interviews at the company than I was.

I told her to cheer up and relax. Everything happens for a reason and some reasons are more obscure than others.

The Princess
The Princess called me this afternoon. She wanted to ask me how to handle a situation at her work. We talked about the events and then I gave her some ideas on how to go forward and seek a resolution.

I think I was helpful. It is nice to know that you still have a few good ideas left in your head at the end of the day.

I don’t have more to write. It was a slow day at work that was spent over a keyboard doing some research for the out-going president.

Be well and stay happy.


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