Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Housing Prices

Housing Prices
I was reading where the average housing price increases in the United States seems to be leveling off and no longer growing like a rising rocket’s red glare.

Sharon and I were talking about housing prices yesterday. Her new job is a bit of a drive for her although the heavy traffic is all on the other side of the freeway divider so the drive is not too bad. I suggested that she think about relocating and purchase a newer and larger home closer to work.

Prices have risen where she would be moving so it is only a question of changing return addresses and a new mortgage lender. She asked me if I would move.

I said that I wouldn’t want to sell the condo in Redondo. I like living at the beach and it is large enough for my needs now and in the future. I got my mortgage statement today and I only owe something slightly more than a nominal amount so I don’t want to start paying a new mortgage that will outlive me.

Of course, I won’t care very much for a mortgage or much of anything else once I pass on to my final reward; whatever that may be.

I told Sharon that one of the top floor units in my building is on the market at USD$479,000 and this is for a 1,075 square foot / 100 square meters, two bedroom, two bath flat. The unit has a view but overlooks a very busy street that emergency vehicles, police cars and ambulances usually, use all of the time. The sirens make it difficult to enjoy your home. I think housing prices in my area are declining because another top floor unit sold a couple of months ago at USD$501,000.

My place is substantially similar to the one for sale now. Sharon thought I could sell mine for a bunch of money and buy a bigger place away from the beach.

But, why do that?

Anyway, I am not moving unless I hit the lottery jackpot.

Television Commercials
I have been watching a Korean soap opera for the last few months. Don’t ask me to explain why I enjoy the show.

Ford has been running a really stupid commercial for their Fusion vehicle.

It starts out with a young woman using her cell phone to call her boy friend. The inference is that she is coming to pick him up since she is walking out of an office building.

The boy friend hangs up the phone and climbs out his office window. For most of the commercial, he is shown doing the ninja building climbing and running and leaping event with an occasional glimpse of the girl friend in the car.

She finally arrives at the pickup point where he jumps down from somewhere and then they drive off in the car. The longest shot of the car is the rear end as they drive away.

I was totally confused with the commercial.

If she was going to meet him, why did he have to leap and run across buildings?

Was he a drug dealer or something like that and he didn’t want to know where he worked?

Do I have to be a ninja to drive a Ford Fusion?

I don’t know much about the car since there were no voiceovers or other communications.

It lost me as a potential buyer.

Later in the show, Ford has been a Volvo commercial that focuses on the vehicle. It shows the vehicle and describes some features. It made sense; it showed people inside of the car and they were happy and laughing.

This second commercial made sense to me. I understood the message even though it was in Korean. The Volvo was a good family car to purchase.

Now, I can better understand why Ford is having trouble selling its cars.

Woman of the Moment
Tomorrow will be the end of Salma Hayek as the current Woman of the Moment. Nice navel.

Liz the Lonely
I sent my email to Lisa the Matchmaker about the fact that I no longer have any interest in meeting Liz the Lonely.

I sort of expect that Lisa will call me and explain that I should give Liz another chance and that she is really a nice person and that she is interested in me but has an incredibly busy and hectic work schedule. I can accept that.

But, if Liz has an incredibly hectic and busy work schedule, when does she have time for me? Do I get wedged in between the trip to the cleaners and market on a Saturday?

Inquiring minds want to know.

You could make the point that it would be hard to have much interest in someone that you have not met in person or viewed a photos and only had a forty-five minute phone call with her. Not the stuff one builds a relationship upon.

Of course, I will let you all know the encore, if there is one, since we have already witnessed the conclusion yesterday.

Be well and stay happy.


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