Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Flip Side of Life

The Flip Side of Life
There is a flip side of life when it comes to living in Southern California. We are always making compromises.

We have great weather here but we live in a desert and have to import out water. I live at the beach and I almost live onto of an earthquake fault line. Everything here sort of balances out in the end.

Remember the other day when I was saying how great the views were after the rainstorm?
Well, there is a balancing out to clear skies. If you drive east in the morning as I do for when I go to class, I am driving into the rising sun. The other day, with no clouds in the sky, the rising sun was a fiery brilliant spotlight in my eyes.

Fortunately for me, I always have sunglasses in the car with me so I managed to deal with the sun unlike some other life forms that did not have the presence of mind to take some measures to avoid the harsh sunlight. These people deserve to be removed from the gene pool.

After all, the sun rising in the East is not a news flash item.

And Other Frustrations
I did some more shopping this morning as I ran some errands. I was in one department store trying to purchase a gift certificate because I know I could never guess the correct size or color in a thousand years.

I was behind a woman who arguing with the sales clerk about something. The woman kept claiming the store had sold the item in previous years and wanted to know where she could find it. The sales clerk said the store was no longer stocking the item which was why she could not find it.

After three minutes of wasted conversation, I walked out and went on with my errands. What is wrong with people? Why don’t they listen when others are talking? It would certainly solve a lot of problems.

Driving in the sun seems to make drivers go slower; that is neither here nor there. What grips me is they decide to slow down by changing lanes, usually ending up in front of your vehicle and putting on their brakes. This, obviously forces, me to brake suddenly and Bambi the Bimbo who is behind me and chatting on her cell phone almost crashes trying to avoid hitting me.

I do feel better driving the Pathfinder since it is larger and has more steel than the Prelude. It also has a better heater and that is nice on a cold morning.

Other Excitement in My Life Lately
I am going to get my hair cut on Friday. My hair is getting really shaggy now. It has been over two months since Amber cut it last; just before the Princess’ Wedding to be correct. I have resorted to taking some scissors and trimming the parts that look really bad, mostly around my ears and glasses. Amber will probably remark on how long my hair has gotten; I will only smile and nod knowingly.

Knowing Amber, maybe I should say that I am going to attempt to have Amber cut my hair on Friday. Instead of my usual early morning time, I opted for 11:00 AM so I should avoid any oversleeping by Amber.

Doug was over when I was thinking about the hair appointment. He said I should have made it for 11:30 AM at the earliest and probably I should have gone with an afternoon appointment. We will see who was correct.

I asked my friend Sharon to be a guest speaker in my Marketing Research course. I gave her the details for the course topic that day and how long I thought her presentation should be. Being the nice guy that I am, I even offered to buy her lunch after the class.

Sharon said she would have to ask her boss about getting away from the office to make the presentation. I will have to plan ahead now so that the class is ready for her presentation.

The Princess thinks Sharon may fade out on me and not do the presentation.

I mailed my Christmas package for the Princess and the Golfer yesterday. With luck, it will arrive in Atlanta by the weekend, in plenty of time for Christmas Day.

Be well and stay happy.


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