Tuesday, June 21, 2005

I'm tired tonight.

I’m tired tonight gentle readers.

I so did not want to get out of bed this morning. I could have bagged it and stayed in bed all day. It will be a short posting tonight.

But, I had work to do and no one else was going to do my work for me. Sometimes, being the only one in your work group can really suck. Some day soon, I will be able to hire some people to work with me in my group.

I was thinking about my posting as I drove home tonight. I had several topic possibilities. One was a replay of the romance in the supermarket aisles from a couple of weeks ago.

The romance in the supermarket aisles did not play at all tonight. I did go to the market on my way home; but nothing happened. There were a lot of tall men in the market tonight, ready to help the short female shopper.

I thought about the email I received from a co-worker in reply to one I sent out. I had asked why a good customer had closed out a profitable loan account with us. The co-worker said that my email was news to him. I could have pointed out that the transaction took place in the branch office that the co-worker manages. That would have been untidy and not very tasteful on my part.

By default, I decided to blog about people who return phone calls in an untimely manner. This afternoon was a classic example of what I mean.

A manger in another department called me and asked if I could help her customer with a loan. Her area was unable to help for a variety of policy reasons. She called and left her voice mail message while I was getting my afternoon cup of green tea.

I promptly returned her call and left her a message of “Tag, you’re it. This is Chuck, returning your call. I will be in the office until about 4:45 PM and then I will go home. I will be back in the office around 7:00 AM tomorrow. Please call me when it is convenient for you.”

She called back at exactly 4:43 PM. I was on my way out the door, the attached case was packed, my glasses were off and in my suit coat pocket, my suit coat was on, the lights were off, and everything was locked up for the night when the phone rang.

She thought it was funny that I was there when she called. She went into an explanation of why she called when she did. I wanted to yank the phone right out of the wall. I think she thought it was funny about calling just before I was going to leave.

I was borderline furious.

I did control myself and listened to what she had to say. I made her feel good by saying, in the end and just before I bailed out for the day, that I thought I could help her customer. I asked her to email me some information so I could get started when I came in tomorrow around 7:00 AM, a time I know she is nowhere near her desk.

Actually, I got two loan referrals today and it looks like I ought to be able to fund both of the deals. Of course, my belief that I can close the two deals is based on the referring co-worker’s assessment of the underlying credit quality and other financial factors that go into a commercial loan decision.

I am now off to slumber land and my faithful bed. I will catch you all on the flipside.

Be well and stay happy and sleep well and dream better.


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