Thursday, March 16, 2006

No March Madness for me

March Madness
March Madness started today and I must be one of three Americans that are not in at least three basketball pools, legal and otherwise. This is just fine with me; I avoided having to make decisions on various teams and my Utah men’s team did not make the tournament but the women’s team did. I know next to nothing about women’s basketball so I wouldn’t know which teams to pick anyway.

Take No Prisoners Tour – 2006
I learned today that the Take No Prisoners Tour for 2006 kicks off this weekend.

I called the Princess to wish her a happy birthday. I know I was a couple of days late but I figured that I would let the excitement calm down first. I asked her how the celebration went.

She said it starts tomorrow on St. Patrick’s Day.

The Princess has the day off; she will be joined by her roommate who is taking a day off and their best friend. The roommate and best friend have some activities planned and I am willing to bet they will be in a bar before the day is over.

I pointed out that she is part Irish, on her mother’s side so celebrating St. Patrick would be in keeping with her ethnic heritage. I’m uncertain how her brief fling with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints [the Mormons] all fits into the matrix; but, I am highly confident that there is a valid linkage and explanation somewhere. I just can’t see it as yet.

I am looking forward to the multiple versions of the Take No Prisoners Tour when I see the Princess and her friends for dinner on the 25th. The Princess said that her friend Sara from the University of South Carolina MBA School might be in Atlanta on the 25th. If Sara is in town, then she will join us for dinner. Sara is one of my favorites of the Princess' friends.

The Take No Prisoners Tour was coined by dear old Dad last year after listening to the Princess describe how she, her roommate, her best friend Kim, Sara, and one other girl played around in Las Vegas for a long weekend. They readily accepted food and drink for men who were well intoxicated and therefore unable to defend themselves. They allowed the men to run up large bar and food tabs and then they left to go do other fun things.

I said that it sounded like, “you were taking no prisoners on the tour.” The Princess giggled and laughed and said that was about the whole story.

Now, you know where the Take No Prisoners Tour came from.

I have only one comment in passing for the young men of Atlanta. You have been warned; be alert; be careful or you may find yourself with a larger bill than you anticipated and a bigger headache in the morning.

Weekend Preview
This is another writing weekend for me. I want to finish Chapter 1 of my dissertation this weekend. I need about another eight to ten pages and I will feel comfortable about that.

I have some laundry to wash and some food to buy at the market.

I also need to visit the bookstore and pickup a couple of simple novels to read on the flights to Atlanta and back. I know the movie on the plane will suck so some nice science fiction or historical pulp fiction would be perfect.

I would also like to see some warmer weather on Sunday so I can go outside and smoke a cigar while I sip some of Lisa’s fine port. But, I am not counting on being able to do this activity because there is a forecast for rain.

Even if it does not rain on Sunday, the temperature out on the balcony is probably going to be around 58F/14C and be breezy and cloudy on Sunday. That is certainly not smoking outside weather for me.

I know that I could bundle up but where is the fun in that?

I hope you all have fun weekends and that you behave responsibly. If you can’t behave responsibly, then do not embarrass yourself and friends.

Be well and stay happy.


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